May 20th, 2021
This dream was very vivid. I was inside my kitchen looking out my window. I saw a giant bomb flying across the sky. Then I saw what looked like some type of spacecraft it was like half spacecraft and half bomb. I ran outside to get better look of where this bomb was heading. This bomb and spacecraft were heading straight towards Dallas TX. I grabbed my daughter, ran inside & began to pray that we would all die in peace and together since my husband was working in Dallas while we were at home (30 mins away from Dallas).
My interpretation of what I’ve understood so far is....there is going be some kind of attack on Dallas TX. It maybe disguised as an alien invasion or something, that would explain this half spacescraft half bomb flying around.
Looking out a window in a dream is a sign of it being prophetic...just sayin
It is but I completely trust him in whatever he has plan. I pray that more people are saved in Jesus before this happens.