In this dream It was night time, I was with 2 dark haired men & a pregnant lady who is the wife to one of the men. There is discussion, nervousness going on for we are aware & trying to come up with a plan of safety for a nuclear bomb that is coming our way. We observe the bomb in the night sky as it goes off, the woman is frantically during this dream trying to get her husband to pay attention to her, to get him to realize she is about to give birth any moment, at some point she is so flustered in trying to get his attention, she lifts up her shirt showing us/him her belly as in showing him her belly he will realize the state she is in. As I'm observing all of this, bomb going off, I'm thinking how strange for a baby to come into the world mere minutes only to die so quickly & that we all were about to. I'm not sure if there is any meaning to this dream.
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this is the pregnant woman in revelations who gives birth to the christ. She represents how the new world, millennium, will be birthed during these challenging times.