This dream felt scary to me, of tribulation, of bad people coming to get me. I knew I needed to stay indoors & there were several others in home with me, I was in charge of keeping the order within us, I was having difficulty trying to get everyone on same page, I was also trying to discern if the people there were really of us & not false sheep. Many seemed distracted, somewhere else than of one accord. In dream the enemy was shown as several men, they were just outside the door, the funny thing was they were all playing instruments, orchestra like instruments. At one point in dream I needed to go get a shower and asked someone in the group to please guard me, knew I was in a vulnerable place in the shower because I knew the bad men were after me. Remember feeling so frustrated when got out of shower that the person who I asked to keep watch over me was gone. How i felt reminded me of how Jesus betrayal must of felt in the Garden of Gethsemane when he went to pray, he asked his friends to bear His grief with Him and they abandoned Him, he needed their comfort is this time of agony and asked his disciples to keep watch and to pray so that they would not fall into temptation but they fell asleep. End of dream.
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Yes, having people disappoint us is very difficult. In these last days we are going to see more of this. It even says in the WORD that family members will be against each other (Luke 12:53). It is important, that we learn to trust the LORD first and not man.