I was in NYC. I was in Central Park, laying on my stomach.. I felt like I was hiding. I had my phone out recording the scene around me. I saw directly across from the park, a huge Skyscraper made of all glass looked as though it had been bombed. I saw reporters and USA army men walking around. I overheard a conversation but it was in a different language, I KNEW the language to be German, but couldn’t hear what they said.
As I lay there watching, two USA soldiers walked by me, one man was a regular soldier and the other was a General or high ranking official! As they pass me, I see the General pull a swatska sign out of his pocket and quickly put it back as if he was hiding it from the other soldier. He then gave orders to the soldier but When the soldier walked away, I saw some ppl come and throw him in the back of a Army truck.. The soldier was yelling for the General to help him but he just walked away. I felt in the dream the General had betrayed America!
I don't know if it's related, but apparently some of the original Not sees (sound it out) who were convicted for war crimes from WWII were sent to America. Maybe some of those generals planning to betray the US are or were in contact with them?? The Germans associated with the Not see party were the enemy of the US in the last world war, so maybe the dream is showing the enemy will be from within, like the betrayal you felt from the general. I only know there are some very evil people who run the government from behind the scenes, and yes, they plan to betray America.
I recently saw a CNN interview where a guy from New York said that the government has blood on their hands (since they claimed they couldn't get enough supplies but admitted they are stockpiling items that may be needed for Corona patients) and the host suddenly had a "bad connection" and oops, the guy got cut off. I think he was spot on, and CNN couldn't afford to have people exposing the truth. That's just one example of the gvt. being shady, probably just the tip of a big iceberg in my opinion.