I was in some kind of what looked like a dormitory with others who were preparing to dress for a 'production' on the stage of this building we were housed in. We appeared to be wearing a 'uniform' consisting of a top/shirt and a bottom/pants. The shirts were supposed to have a white insignia that looked like it was an embroidered white dove, to be sown on the upper chest portion of the shirts. I think the shirts were pink in color. We were all rushing around and suddenly realized something was wrong with our clothing. The shirts/tops were too tight on some of the people and some were missing the dove insignia which we had to sew on ourselves.. THEN I SUDDENLY realized I had on my old broken glasses with one of the arms of the frame missing (but the lenses were the correct ones). I woke up feeling in a rush to prepare and glad I had my glasses but needed to get the frames repaired as soon as possible.. any suggestions to interpretation welcome..
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An example of Christians preparing, is the letters to the churches in Revelation. God sees each diverse church as part of His Body, while each has certain weaknesses to work on. Even those most at risk, were still written into history as believers.
John 3:16
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life."
I've been convicted lately of judging certain people for not being "Christian enough," not putting much effort into Bible reading, prayer. Over centuries there have been believers without Bibles, not literate, living far from centers of fellowship -- yet God still worked in their lives.
We could panic that we haven't done enough; but some of that is our own expectations, envisioning amazing lives and ministries that just never happened.
Readiness is good; but panic and doubt that God has forgiven, is a time to bring ourselves back to Christ's sacrifice for our redemption.
The pj's remind me of ones we wore as kids. Even though they come in adult sizes, they are practical and cover well. We put them on before sleep-- a time we rest, stay still, and let our parents protect the house.
We all have the Holy Spirit, but we might forget that God's spirit indwells us. Some of us drift from believing that God hears our prayers, that He will protect and give wisdom; and that His presence comes with us.
John 14:16
(Jesus) I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, so that He may be with you forever; the Helper is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him; but you know Him because He remains with you and will be in you.
In a sense, I think the Holy Spirit is similar to glasses. Improving vision and discernment, adding clarity.