I had a dream many months back, maybe around November of last year 2018. I didn't write it down as it was so clear that I knew I would remember it. It has been brought to mind lately and I feel I should share this.
The dream started where I was being driven by my mother to a grocery store in town one evening, and we were travelling through a narrow street which was busy with people and sparkling lights of restaurants, bars, clubs, fashion stores and all their business and laughter going on etc. The street turned into more of a cobbled road so I got out to walk the rest of the way. As I walked, ahead of me was a huge sculpture/ artistic piece that took up most of the width of the walkway. I felt the Lord direct my eyes up to it. He wanted me to take note of this sculpture. It was made of different metal structures set apart from each other, creating an illusion so that as you move along, the artwork would have a different appearance.
Standing directly in front of this sculpture I saw that it was in fact a large alien face, typically known as a grey alien. I understood that this was created in a way to deceive the people. It was made in a way to look as if it was something else, an innocent artwork but also knew that this was an abomination to the Lord. I felt anger well up inside of me and I went to the structure where it was bolted to the ground and I pushed and pulled and twisted , trying to break down this abomination but realised I couldn't do much about it and if I did this I would be caught for destruction of public property etc. So I walked away, now actually leaving the same direction as I came but it was now as if I were in a large building like a shopping mall and I was heading toward the doors to exit, I looked back at the sculpture and saw another perspective of this sculpture. It was a lovely scene of birds or ducks flying high in the sky, yet as I neared the doors I felt I needed to look back again and as I did I saw the scene was actually not ducks flying, but up high were puppeteers playing marionette puppets, manipulating the alien face below. End of dream.
The interpretation is that there is a great deception, an alien deception that is going to be played out by the elite. They follow their own agenda which is of the devil and it is an abomination to the Lord. Many will be deceived by the things they will perform.
Please seek the Lord and only the Lord on these matters. Remember the 'lawless one' is out to deceive many.
2 Peter 3:17 Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position.
In 2015, I had a dream of a metal arch (like a gateway ) and these same type of "aliens" were coming through it and Holy Spirit let me know they were demons coming into our world. Later that year, they announced they were going to erect the arch of baal in NY.
About a week ago I had another dream. I was in some type of penthouse suite with wall-to-ceiling glass windows. Some military helicopters passed by declaring an evacuation. As I walked closer to the window I can see large amounts of people gathered in the streets. In the spirit I kept saying to myself to get water and get to the basement... As I looked out the window to my right I saw these two large creatures/ robots destroying the city in the distance. One looked octopus-like and the other like the iron giant (I kid you not ). I was kind of shocked then woke up.