I had a dream about not being able to make payments with my debit card. Sadly I remember there being stronger religious connotations, but I forgot! Following this, I decided to keep my laptop next to me while I sleep, and create a section in my notes for dreams in anticipation of potentially having a dream.
In my dream, I am in Louisiana, and I am talking to someone else who has a prophetic word for me: Get off the east coast (because of a Tsunami)! I also recall reflecting that Louisiana wasn't that bad because of its politics and because of the large hills in it (which obviously is not the case presently).
A dream of doing a road trip through what I guess used to be the Appalachian area (somehow I knew it was this location). It looked totally different however, the mountains were astounding, looking nearly as tall as the Himalayas. Moreover, there was a section with huge spires of rock much like Zhangjiajie China. On the base of the mountains we explored a quasi abandoned city that had old run down Greek style buildings. I think the city was supposed to be Washington DC in retrospect. Part of my dream also involved viewing a map of tree types. From the map I gathered there was an area with cypress trees around northern Alabama, and an area with oak trees around the Missouri. I think these places represented mountain ranges. ---
in my childhood i had a dream of seeing a map of the USA, but it was split along the Mississippi with a huge ocean gulf going up the Mississippi river.
I had a dream about a prophecy of something calamitous (I don't know what) changing the USA, and that the same prophecy had applied to Rome in 80 ad, and that indeed a calamitous event occurred to Rome during that period. I also dreamt about our own gov't secretly supporting Muslim terrorists and encouraging them to attack our soil (a false flag attack). Afterwards, I researched and found that Pompeii was destroyed in 79 ad and that a great fire ravaged Rome in 80 ad, which was a confirmation. Conclusions: I believe these dreams potentially forecast massive geological changes to the USA, with a new mountain range forming in Missouri, the Appalachian mountains expanding east to Washington Dc, south to Louisiana / Alabama, and potentially even the continent splitting up the Mississippi river. This could be symbolic, but I think it might actually be literal. This goes to show that it is more important than ever to have God on our side - no amount of preparation will save you from the truly cataclysmic earthquakes that would be necessary for the fruition of these dreams. That isn't to say preparation isn't necessary of course - even places untouched by earthquakes will suffer a supply chain collapse in such a calamity, in which case food storage would be very important to have. And of course, it seems unreasonable to expect God to save us during catastrophes if we aren't doing anything at all to prepare for such catastrophes ourselves. I believe that to return to God, it is important for us to remove all idols from our lives. That could be an addiction to alcohol, drugs, sex, or even cutting out tv shows, movies, and worldly music. We are to be strict followers of the commandments, and that involves even the annoying ones like keeping the sabbath day holy. Moreover, I believe it is important to constantly be seeking the lord for guidance in all that you do, that means that the first thing you do when you wake up is pray, and that throughout the day, before you start any task you pray and ask god if you should be doing this task or if you should switch to something else. Such a life style will allow us to be tools in God's hands, will attune us to his will so finely that when a calamity does strike we will be able to follow the still small promptings of the holy spirit to find safety. ---
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Smilie Christie, Jr.