I had been having some battles and attacks going on as I know many fellow believers are. A couple of weeks ago The Lord spoke to me regarding these things and told me to share what I can in order to encourage and strengthen his children.
1) You cower in the corner as if you're still in the ditch but the Lord says, " I have already lifted you out. You are already saved, what I have is yours, I have given you what's mine. So put on your armour, use my authority given to you to use. You are my child, my name is stamped on your forehead so the enemy cannot (not permitted) destroy you." ( Job came to mind as the Lord said this. Satan could do anything to Job but was not allowed to kill Job)
The Lord showed me that Satan is using trickery. What you see/feel is an illusion Satan has put over you. He has tricked your eyes, you are not an animal to cower in a dark corner thinking its night because a cover is put over it, you have arms and can pull the cover off your head.
2) The Lord said to use the armour of God, to praise, use joy and the Psalms as a weapon. "The Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path"
Use the Word of God- read it and use it. It is a lamp- it tells you what to do or what is going on. You should use it to attack, not just for defence. (Go see how Jesus used the Word against his enemies.)
3) Do warfare - use the authority given you to defeat the enemy - chase them away. Do battle.
4) Keep close to the Lord - have faith, it's your strength. Be obedient, do as you are led by the Spirit and TRUST the Lord to take care of the rest. The Lord showed me an image of a chess game and used an analogy of an army. The player (The commander/ God) does not tell the pawns/foot soldiers what's going on but His children do know some of what's happening and they have His authority to make certain moves. But he does not reveal all to us, some things are hidden as only He knows the timing.
5) Timing is crucial. We are not told shown things or given the directions or answers we desire before the time so that we don't act prematurely or do things in our own strength (I saw us as overly excited, impatient and eager children who easily jump the gun or even have misunderstandings) - it can be detrimental to the whole plan of action. Act when told to act, run when told to run etc. Also Don't delay once you are informed. Timing is critical.
So just as the Lord asked me to encourage you. I ask that you encourage others. Pass the message on, reveal to others what the Lord has revealed to you.
I pray you are blessed.