Gods Word-From a True Man of God:
I was woken one night and heard grab a pen. I tell you I knew it was the Lord. This is what I was told.
I hear thy suffering oh my children. Worry not for the oppressor will fail. For the great harvest has commenced. It will be for a time as to bring forth my grace and truths. The purpose of this great thing is for the multitudes of the world. Open policies to the people as new heavenly governings will come forth. Grandeur will be mine for this great alliance. Seeing the green fields of the harvest...through this will be all filled in my glory. This will be pleasing unto me as love and truth will prevail. For this purpose looking toward the great gathering will be in preparation of the great rapture and the tribulation to come. Be of repentant in Jesus and seek his comfort thus saith the Lord your God. Weep not and be not afraid for the Lord is with you.