Since my last posting in over a year I haven’t received any visions from Our Heavenly Father until the morning of 12/27/2021. One part of last years vision has already come to pass. The vision appeared to me in two parts whereas the first fulfillment of rioting, violence, bloodshed and civil unrest within our streets has already come to pass. The second part has yet to be fulfilled! Within this second vision I saw streets overflowing with blood as fighting men were consumed under it. Unfortunately I feel that this vision will come to pass as WWIII.
In 12/27/2021 I was contemplating all the events that have been unfolding so far and I than proceeded to ask God what might become of it‘s timing according to the Book of Revelation. Immediately upon closing my eyes I saw a vision of a huge clock with its hands rapidly and continuously spinning round and round nonstop.
I truly feel that this recent vision was a confirmation on behalf of all humanity that God was about to speed up his timing on the remaining fulfillments of prophecies within the Book of Revelation!!
Please pray for the end of Abortion for this weighs heavily upon my heart. Also pray for the end of all the wickedness and evil of mankind now covering all our earth.
I pray that all mankind’s consciousness would be open to the Holy Spirt so that he may soften their unhardened hearts in order to draw them back to Our Heavenly Father and Jesus while the door of His Mercy is still open!! God bless you all.