In order to go forward, humanity will go backward for a time.
In a dream vision I saw the driver of a car, (a fine, perfectly functional car), only the driver was driving the car forward down the highway with the car in reverse. The driver was not used to this strange orientation. To drive forward, the car could not be in Drive, but rather in Reverse. To look ahead, the driver had to look in the rearview mirror. To turn the car to the right, the driver still had to turn the wheel to the right, only the car would take longer to turn and would make a wider circle. It took a while for the driver to figure this out. The driver had to do this, not conveniently ahead of time, but suddenly while driving the car on a mountain road, with a wall of rock on one side and a deep drop on the other. Nevertheless, the driver had to keep driving or get out of the car. This is how people will feel in the years ahead.
In many aspects, civilization and human nature itself will appear to go backwards, providing a sharper relief or contrast for the image of God in humankind. Much of today’s technology and electronics will become useless and disappear. Some people will adjust quickly and progress spiritually. Some will not adjust in time to prevent a crash. Some will abandon their physical vehicles altogether.
GOD IS CALLING US TO A PURE AND SIMPLE LIFE OF HOLINESS. The withdrawal from modern society’s devil-designed distractions and addictions may be difficult, but the Divine Detox Program is the medicine we need.
your vision reminds of something I called 'opposite world.' Those who are first, will be last and those who are last will be first. In order to live, you must die first (spiritually, that is); the meek will inherit the world.