(not a dream, rather my story explaining the huge impact latterain333 has had on me)
Strangely this forum has been instrumental in my spiritual journey. It started with the eclipse last year. Through conspiracy forums I have followed for years, I learned that the 2024 eclipse was exactly 6 years, 6 months, 6 weeks and 6 days since the 2017 eclipse (which I found significant, though everyone I talked to about this didn’t care). Therefore, I did a basic search for who was discussing this online and found Latterain333. I became hooked and watched every single video of hers on youtube. Obviously following Christ involves a lot more than just listening to other people’s dreams (you need to change your heart to align with his). But this was significant to me personally, because it represented the first time I had went to great effort to seek God’s revelation.
Prior to this, I had become jaded by my own religion (Mormonism), which presently is devoid of revelatory dreams / visions and actually discourages them among members because such things are supposed to only happen to official modern apostles (though the apostles NEVER share about it). The main type of revelations that are claimed to be received are commands people in the midlevel bureaucracy give to their underlings (which they say God inspired, but sometimes it is obvious that he didn’t). Seeing my history, I had become very skeptical that God could/would guide me through my life and I didn’t devote any effort whatsoever to seeking God’s revelations (either through prayer or scripture study).
Enter Latterrain333, and my views started to change – religion became more important to me, and it started to seem more likely that I myself could receive revelations. Then I started to have my own dreams.
Without Latterrain333 encouraging people to share their dreams on this forum, I would not have written my dreams down, they would be forgotten, and it is unlikely God would have given me any additional dreams. Because of the forum and encouragement however, I started writing down my dreams, and as I did so, I found myself receiving more and more dreams.
After hearing Latterain333 tell me for months to become a prayer warrior, I FINALLY LISTENED, and started praying. I also started feeling a kinship towards people like Latterrain333. Personally, I have struggled with feeling isolated due to my unorthodox beliefs, and I find in this community a group of people who have all together experienced the same sort of rejection by friends / family who are not open minded.
Moreover, I found that as I increased my devotion (through prayer and scripture study) my dreams seemed to increase. At this point I was still sort of a sign seeker, so I just started reading the scriptures and praying all the time to see if I would get more dreams. This nevertheless wrought a change in my heart. For the first time, I actually started ENJOYING reading the scriptures and praying. At this point I probably have received “enough” dreams, and don’t need anymore (though I always appreciate more dreams). Nevertheless, I genuinely want to understand the scriptures better and am presently trying to read the whole bible out loud.
I am changing everything in my life right now and find that my personality is significantly different from what it used to be. I now pray and read my scriptures every day and frequently seek divine council in important decisions. I even started trying to influence others to turn to God. This is all due to Latterain333, and therefore I am very grateful.
Very thoughtful of you to write out your story, acknowledge Elizabeth and her forum's impact.
Glad you're here! I wish I had more time to read your posts -- they are deep.
There's a pastor who posted a series of dreams several years ago, who has a similar heart and humility attached to prophetic dreams. If you're looking for more with good character....