My son in law (who is an elder in our church) had a dream that he was in a house with dirt floors. The house looked normal other than the dirt floors. There was a small dark green snake on the floor and he was poking at it with a stick. He poked it into a hole on the floor and it fell down into the hole and then grew. He realized it was dangerous and so he started trying to suffocate it by burying it in mud from the floor, but it kept finding breathing holes. Then he grabbed a crow bar and tried to hit it and kill it but it wouldn’t die. At one point he was crouching down by it and realized if it were to lunge it could get him, so he back up, but then it sprayed him with venom in the face. He was wearing his glasses so his eyes were mostly protected, but some venom got in his eyes. He took the crowbar into another room and gave it to some guys from our church, one of them was mike B (who is a humble man of prayer), and told them to go kill the snake while he went to wash out his eyes. He felt confident they would take care of the snake. Then he woke up.
When he woke up he felt there’s a spirit that has rendered our pastor’s ministry ineffective
The green snake reminded me of a garter snake at first. They are harmless and usually unseen. The fact that it grew in size and threat suggests to me that a problem, spirit, or scandal, demonic/sinful in origin, slowly became more problematic in the church setting. Trying to bury and kill it shows attempts were made to cover up the issue for a while, rather than address it, making it worse. The snake spraying venom right at the eyes also suggests a deliberate attempt to blind others to the presence of the problem, whatever or whoever it was. Maybe in an aggressive way. The dream may show an attempt at infiltration to distort church doctrine or effectiveness, too.
Since it seemed like it would be taken care of, I think the problem will be rebuked/removed, and the effectiveness of the church and teaching of the true word will be restored. God is all powerful and can defend his good name and children.