Good morning all, I have been in a season of rest, meaning I was fired from my job in 2016. And I have been home since that time just studying the first five books of the bible and resting my body which somehow sort of broke down on me. Nevertheless, Adonai has proved Himself to be faithful. He often deals with me in dreams and I'm able to get the interpretation...however with this dream I'm somewhat baffled and am asking for help with the interpretation - here is the dream:
Myself, Pastor wife (didn't know her), and the Pastor (didn't know him). We were in the Church (didn't know the church) but we were in the church office. The Pastor's wife was talking to me and writing down directions/instructions to give to me. I was sitting in a chair SLEEPING but I could feel myself reaching to receive the directions/instructions from the Pastor's wife. Next, the Pastor walked in the Office and I was uncovered at the top and was quickly trying to put my jacket/coat back on. Then I woke up.
I found this verse about being naked and exposed:
" You are filled with shame instead of glory. You also—drink! And be exposed as uncircumcised![fn] The cup of the LORD’s right hand will be turned against you, And utter shame will be on your glory. " Hab. 2:16