Sometimes, the Holy Spirit sends me to a place where I meet a person. This person is usually an insider, a person who knows information which reveals a dark truth behind the veil of lies constructed by the controlled media. ** I want to emphasize that these are not dreams. These are actual, real life person-to-person contacts and real, first-person testimonies.
This video contains the following stories:
1. Secret Air Service navigator: flew TS gyroscope missile technology to China during the Clinton administration.
2. Forklift operator: Loaded all the munitions from Alamada Naval Air Station out of warehouses and onto ships bound for... “I don’t know... our allies overseas or something.”
3. Navy Seabee: built secret airstrips in forests all over the world. He never knew who would use them.
4. Iranian defector: reported secret Russian bio-warfare program in lab North of Tehran. Ivan Ivanovich hand-carried live samples between labs to disguise the true work. They created an encapsulated virus which can kill within hours, can be stored indefinitely, and is a potential weapon of mass destruction.
5. Intern in Belgium: Cashless system planned, to be phased in by injecting into animals, then criminals, then children, then soldiers.
6. American Diner, overheard: architects designing abandoned base to become an internment camp.
7. Illegal human tissue experiments: lab on UPenn campus.
8. Internship: Drug trials are a farce, controlled by those who pay.
9. Deep well rights bought up in secret.
10. Mobile Nukes must be accounted for in Russia’s plan to destroy the United States.
11. Government blackmail squads. Global.
12. Some military deaths are faked. Men transfer to secret army. 12b. Don’t volunteer to assassinate... loose ends are killed in turn.
13. Invited to join MK Ultra replacement program... to meet recruiter.
14. Indian worker killed by Kuwaiti SF soldiers as human target practice.
15. (Email) Lech Kaczynski crash site scrubbed by black-clad men. Survivors killed.
16. (Email) Satanists use abortion clinics to commit ritual human