Prophetic word given about August 15th 2019 I am coming I am coming my children Are you prepared to meet me in the air? What is stopping u from spending time with me? What is stopping u from seeking my face? Dont u know I have given u my amazing grace? What is it that u truly treasure my children? Is it the material things of this world? Or my son Jesus and my Word? You must yield fully to me You cannot be half-in, half out, If you are not fully abiding in me Then u will do without Without my mighty spirit that gives u amazing power And causes all the demons in hell to bow down and cower You will be overrun with fear when the chains are loosed from the bottomless pit Snares and traps will overtake u If you dont allow me to mold and make u Repent! Repent! Heed my messages and warnings! Listen to my messengers and prophets The ones that have truly been sent Sent to save u from the fiery destruction Judgement stands at the door Do you know what I am waiting for? I am waiting for my bride to make herself clean Clean and white, pure and polished, with no impurities in sight Fill your lamps with oil For I cannot tarry much longer I have been waiting for u, but soon the clock will strike midnight And my light will appear to those who are near to me Those who are far from me will perish from calamity The time is now! Bow down to me and let me cover u with my wings
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DREAM FROM GOD: SHOT GUN 10/7/2010.....I was sound asleep when suddenly I heard "ONE SHOT" that came from a heavy duty shot gun. It was so LOUD I awoke sitting straight up in my bed.
INTERPRETATION FROM YAHUSHUA: "Assassination of Donald Trump. Civil War".
A Perverse Nation….United States of America....From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear. Question asked of The Lord: Is the USA still a “God-fearing” nation?
[The Lord answered] Many yet fear Me, even the wicked deep within, yet just a very few have any love for God in their hearts, says The Lord. For this nation is most perverse; even in their fear of The Lord is their perversion of My image clearly seen. Thus I tell you, I have spit them out already. Behold, even the earth shall vomit them out, for they have greatly defiled the land... A multitude of dry branches broken off, which shall by no means be grafted in again, until they fall hard upon their faces, crying out, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of The Lord!”
Behold, this nation plants seeds of perversion, without ceasing! They cultivate abominations and reap sin all day long, and into the night they revel in all their uncleanness! And when I look down upon this nation, I see Sodom bursting forth and Gomorrah overtaking the land! And when I peer deeper still, I see one nation in agreement, a people in love with themselves, a nation which loves its harlotries more than God!... A very adulterous people! A most wicked generation!... BEHOLD! EVEN A WHOLE NATION OF MURDERERS IS BEFORE MY EYES!
Therefore I am come down to tread, until every wicked person is crushed beneath My feet and every evil man in authority dies a grievous death in this land! For I must make room. Behold, I shall purge this great and awful vineyard...I shall uproot and destroy, until that which was lost is found And that which was hidden is brought out into the open...Until that which I have searched for is seen, once again, And it too is removed and taken...I AM THE LORD.
CHOSEN BY YAHUSHUA: Chief Witness, Chief Judge, and The High Priest in The Kingdom of YahuShua
1. Chosen and moved to the forefront of the 144,000 (Revelation Chapter 7) of the house of Levi, called by The Father on 12/7/2010 and sealed by Gabriel on 4/4/2013.
I was given a new name by God, "The Reflection" 1/18/18.
2. Chosen to serve as Chief Judge over all the judges in YahuShua's Kingdom 10/26/18
3. Chosen as The High Priest in YahuShua's Kingdom....representing His people 5/18/19
your servant , YahuShua's wife......"The Reflection"