Before I had my daughter Heaven 2007, maybe 2006? I dreamed I was above the Earth with God, beholding the beauty of all creation. Felt like forever we just sat there together, like two sitting on the edge of a pier looking down. I never look right at HIM, I am by HIS side, HE slowly raised HIS Right Arm and pointed at someone on Earth. All creation turned to see who God was pointing at, it was a black man I had never seen before. God said: "He will seek to change the times and seasons." I blurted out in my dream and said to God: "But doesn't the Antichrist do that?" And in my dream I swung my head around to the left to ask God but I woke up before I could look at HIM. The Bible reference in the dream is from the Book of Daniel. The Antichrist will seek to change times and seasons. I have had another dream about Obama recently, I will share in another post, Lord willing. God bless, thanks for listening. All comments welcome Sisters and Brothers in Christ; Shalom Girl
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I had a dream with him as well. He was on a podium giving a speech and doing Hitler-like hand gestures. He would phase into Hitler and back to himself repeatedly. Next scene of the dream, I see a city leveled, burning and in ruins. It looked like a nuclear bomb had went off. As I watched the city I realized I was on a hill with a group of people a safe distance away and I wept as I told the person next to me "Jesus is the Truth, the Way and the Life," then I woke up.