Some of it is clear to me , some of it is not and the part that is clear is I know it was Satan trying to draw me into his layer , I was somewhere dark , I saw a being standing there in front of me but off to my left a ways , I couldn't make out the face , but then the face became the face of a child I raised from my first marriage , and who is a grown woman now , she it , turned to me and spoke , I do not remember what was said , just an overwhelming feeling of evil , then there was a baby in my arms , she was , it was trying to convince to bite or eat the baby in my arms , but something convinced me that was evil as well it was extremely weird and I just know it was the devil trying to draw me in and pull me away from God , one thing I do know God is drawing near the attacks from the devil and his imps are becoming heavier everyone of us must stay in prayer
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Puppy is kept in the house . They are your child . If you have one . Dog is a person want to harm
Kimberly, I had almost the exact same dream except that I had a puppy in my arms and from a distance, on my left, I saw a bigger dog running towards us. He started jumping up at us trying to bite the puppy in my arms but I shielded him and then I woke up.
Many states in the U.S. are passing laws that permit abortion up until the moment of birth, and some are even permitting the killing of a child moments after birth. My wife, abortion survivor and pro-life speaker Carrie Fischer and myself are endeavoring to expand the reach of our ministry and help turn the tide back to making these barbaric practices unthinkable. Perhaps God may be revealing to you that your daughter may have at one point in her life had an abortion, and she has either been trying to cover that up, or perhaps is openly an unashamedly proclaiming that abortion is ok? Either way, God made the way for us to record a new short version of my wife's testimony through a secular youtube based disability can watch and share our video at the following link. We are firm beliversthatt abortion is forgivable if a oerson will repent and turn to Jesus for forgiveness and healing.