Dream number 1
I had a dream Tuesday April 26th 2022. In this dream I know I was in heaven, but everything around me was white. I could hear a host of angels singing. I heard my nephew say I think I'm going to sleep until 12:00.
Dream number 2
This dream happened November 2020
I was in heaven and everything around me was white also. I saw many saints walking around socializing. They were talking amongst themselves. As I looked around i why am I hear now. I ask someone what was going on, They pointed me to a beautiful woman with her back towards me. When she turned around. She was so beautiful! She was dressed in a white pageant dress with a blue stripe down it. I knew she was and angel. She smiled at me and handed me an invitation. I knew it had something to do with heaven.
Sister Elizabeth Marie can you give me an interpretation on these 2 dreams...
I am seeking interpretation of these dreams.
I have a few more dreams to share that I know God gave me later.
Thank you so much for your help
Hi Jennifer, I was an interpreter on a secular website and I interpreted dreams from a Christian perspective rather than a 'New Age' perspective. I would like to submit interpretation of dream 1, then dream 2, including the connection between the dreams.
1. The dream may have to do with the marriage feast. It will be a glorious event with angels singing. Don't sleep in until midday because preparations need to be made. Think about the feast rather than the antiChrist.
2. If I am correct about dream 1, the interpretation of dream 2 is that the saints socializing replaces the angels singing. The key component in dream 2 is the invitation - to the wedding feast. Indeed, the woman could represent an angel or the Holy Spirit. I wonder if she represents the bride?