In my dream it started off in chaos. I was running to meet my family at a rendezvous. Either at a theatre or auditorium. Idk if that matters. anyway new details I remember is it being dusty and there Wasn’t any grass. I noticed a tower that Was falling and I knew it was falling in my direction. i covered my mouth to keep From breathing in dust and dirt. And then I turned my Back towards the falling tower. I didn’t cover my head just my mouth.
when I woke up the Tower of Pisa came to mind first thing.
i believe That the mouth covering could be trying to tell me or us to protect Yourself from unclean things. ?
I did some research on tower of Pisa. pisa Italy was once a very important role in the development of Italy. It was a seaport or ship port or something. It was in constant battle. they built the tower as a symbol of their power wealth and fame of winning battles. It leans because it was built on marshy land Which is It’s called Pisa. It’s Stable for now But it was unstable For a while. they plundered soil from Calvary hill in Jerusalem to use in the cemetery. 25 shiploads It took. The tower of Pisa, the cemetery, the baptistery, and the cathedral are all part of the ‘miracle‘ square.
so I think that the part where the tower is falling (idk if this is for Italy or America) is symbolizing the fall of the country‘s power And will be an Economic collapse and possibly there will be an end to political boasting.
as far as no grass and it’s being dusty idk what that could mean other than help put the mouth covering. It Could’ve been an ‘extra’
turning my back on the tower. If anyone has insight on that... I can guess not spirit led but it wouldnt sit right Bc we are supposed to watch political things right? to discern the times?
it could me to not let power and wealth pollute us. Turn our backs on the things that could change us. idk that part isn’t set in stone yet.
now the last part of my dream could be simple.
there will be people trying to hold on to those who aren’t believers while theyre walking the narrow path. They want them to come with them to safety and they won’t go so they’ll get caught in the system. while you would have to let go. The laundry shute to the basement I think is just something to connect the first part of this last dream to the last. i Believe the basement is an underground church Or Place of refuge. when I was told not many people make it Maybe those are the few who were able to make it to the end place and the most of those who didn’t make it either died trying Idk could be wrong. But Its A strong feeling.
both of these meanings I received clarification for after taking up with God.