Hi. I had a vision and I think the Lord wants meet to share it. I am not much of a YouTube-err so I am not sure how to do it. All I have is the file that I made and it isn't very good. The sound is awful and the beginning got cut off and is on the end. If someone who IS good at this sort of thing - feels led to help me, could you please clean it up, note where the disclaimer ends, publish it on YouTube and with the comments turned off? I think this is what the Lord wants me to do but I don’t really know how to do it.
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I did not post this to start a debate, I was just looking for someone that knew how to fix it so that I could put it on YouTube. I mean, it IS on YouTube but I have no idea how to fix the audio or publish it anywhere a YouTube surfer might hear it.
I want my brothers and sisters to understand that it is NOT what I THINK, or what I BELIEVE that matters.....it is what the WORD OF GOD says about a matter. The WORD OF GOD is the foundations for a true believer in JESUS CHRIST.....it says in John 1:1:
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. "
If we lay any other foundation down besides JESUS CHRIST, then we error. As people move further and further away from what the Bible says, we see false doctrines and teaching springing up, coming out of the own imaginations of man, and NOT from the SPIRIT OF GOD.
There HAS TO BE ONE TRUTH....not several. That is part of our journey as humans....to discover thIS truth and reality of it, not only our own being, but of the source of our creation.
It is by FAITH that I choose to believe that the WORD OF GOD IS THE TRUTH and the very cornerstone to life and life eternal. Because of that, I will believe what it says about hell.
Beloveds, if you know the FATHER, then you know HIS wonderful attributes and how longsuffering, patient and kind HE truly is .....HE wishes that NO ONE WOULD PERISH and that all would come to HIM. HE is just, righteous, faithful and wise.....HE will judge each one according to what they know.....HE will judge fairly, for HE is JUSTICE.
Brothers and sister, PLEASE do not stray from the WORD OF GOD.....you will become deceived and will go down the wrong path to salvation.
Here are only some Scriptures about hell, as well as an article:
I do hope this helps!
Blessings, dear ones!
Elizabeth Marie
Thus says The Lord, He who is holy, He who is true: Have I not made the matter known? Beloved ones, how is it you have yet to discern? Tell Me, in this doctrine of hell and eternal torment, as taught by those who call of themselves Christian, what fruit is displayed? - Love? Joy? Peace? Patience? Kindness? Gentleness? Goodness? Mercy?! So then if it bears no fruit, according to My own spirit, then from what spirit must this doctrine come, and upon what foundation is it built? For I have already told you, whosoever believes in The Son shall abide forever, and whosoever has not The Son shall perish and not see life. Therefore you do greatly err.
Behold, I shall speak plainly, so those who have ears to hear may hear and draw close, and so those who refuse to hear may forbear and depart: ANYONE who holds fast to the false doctrine of hell and eternal torment, as taught in the churches of men, DO NOT KNOW ME! Nor have they embraced Me in truth, nor does My spirit dwell within them; I do not know them! Thus refinement shall be their portion, and abasement their due reward, in the Great and Dreadful Day of The Lord! For by strong rebuke I must correct them, and with an outstretched hand shall I bring swift discipline upon them! For they have surely blasphemed My name, even on the highest order! Therefore, beloved ones, hear My words and also understand: You must forsake this doctrine, for it is most perverse. You must withdraw yourself from all who teach this doctrine or seek to uphold it in any way. For it is written: You can not drink the cup of The Lord and the cup of demons; you can not partake of The Lord’s table and of the table of demons.
Therefore come out from among them, and be separate...
Come to Me and embrace Me as I truly am, And I also shall embrace you, setting you apart From all these who have deceived you...
Then shall that which was brought forth From a lie, as a veil of darkness to cover The heads of My people, be destroyed in the light Of pure understanding and undefiled wisdom, Crushed beneath the weight of The Truth, which I am...
Says He who is faithful, He who is true.
your servant of the 144 sealed, named "The Reflection".