The Lord said: Something BIG, HISTORIC, NEVER SEEN BEFORE, that will make the 9/11 look like nothing compared to it, is coming to America. Then with it, a flash vision of June 2018, then scrolling months from August to mid-September. He told me to prepare.
So, I have gathered up enough supplies for months (if no electric and water); I have packed stuff in waterproof bags, and important papers too. Withdrew cash enough for a month too.
2018 Summer will be unforgetable, but the harvest of people running to God will be extraordinary. To bad that it will take a catastrophe to get there.
The first seal opened on May 18th "Rev 6", I was warned from the Lord March 16th and I heard "and in 63 days". Next comes the red war horse to take peace from the earth, I've been warned of Russia, but is Russia the second or fourth horse? I know after 3 days of total darkness there is 1290 days with no light. Bless is he that makes it to the 1335 days this is the first resurrection.
David, what do you mean in your first post about the pope and the white horse on May 18?
Just to bad it is going to take a major shaking to wake people up! Jesus allowed me to read the end time scroll of the two resurrections. The first period starts with three days of total darkness and you will be thrown forward. According to scientist being thrown forward would be caused by the earth coming off its axis, they had a picture showing cars and cattle flying thru the air. If your interested you can google it yourself. But beware it is not a pretty picture of what's coming. As far as the Lords Church coming I got two scrolls and in one of them it says, it must start at the helm of the full moon closest to the equinox, if it is this year it would start Sept. 25th. But then I don't know what helm means?
God's Handmaiden's *(Youtube) said that the LORD showed her a timeline of 90 days around the beginning of May. That would bring us to the end of July, beginning of August. I prayed and asked the LORD about that timeframe and I heard, 'it is a good measure to use!' This fits in with what you are saying. Another confirmation? We will have to wait and see......that is how it is for all prophecy. However, thought the LORD has extended us more time to get ready, please continue to pray for MORE TIME so MORE people can get ready! Thanks brothers and sisters!!
I think September to, May 18th the white horse went out with Pope Francis on it Rev 6, next is the red war horse. I got a confirmation I believe and it was 4 months to the harvest