A few weeks ago now I had a vivid spiritual dream that I was sitting in the living room and suddenly there was a loud slamming shut of the blinds over the kitchen sink window, I quick got up and ran over to see what happened and it was so dark that I could not even see my hand in front of my face, my carnal mind wanted to make a meal out of it but my food is to do my heavenly Fathers will and not my own will anymore so I was in complete rest in the finished work of Jesus (Christ in me)
I think the judgments coming for the body of Christ is more than just persecutions and and the elements being in a state of unrest but it will come with an unrest from within when the feast of being able to hear what the Holy spirit is saying is not easily heard anymore so that you can partake of the living word each day allowing it to come in power so that the Risen Christ can be glorified in us. This is what separates the doers of the word from the hearers only.. The doers are on the battle ship because of the testings they go through to prove they truly believe Gods word and are able to partake of the fruit of their labors and rejoice in the beloved and our victory in Him. The unwise virgins were not doers of Gods word but talkers mostly so that is why they must go and buy oil because they were found laboring with the flesh and were not resting and trusting in Gods power to feed them His word in power in all of their situations.