This is not my personal rapture dream. I often interpret dreams on social media sites when I recognize the biblical symbolism and the Lord's fingerprints.
This dream has been one of my favorites from all studied rapture dreams because of the manner it was delivered and the content. I will provide the interpretation after the dream (copy and pasted 100% as originally delivered).
I had a crazy dream last night, please read and tell me what you think.It might be connected to God.?
To start off I must say I'm not a religious guy but I am very open minded. About 5-6 months ago I was doing research on the theoretical planet known as "Planet X" or "Nibiru," but i havent thought of it since. So, a few months ago I gave up on the Catholic religion in hopes to find my own I answers but sometimes I pray that if Jesus is real if he can give a sign . Last night I grabbed a Bible my mom had bought me awhile back and I was going to read it but I had been watching Pulp Fiction on Netflix and fell asleep. Before I fell asleep I placed the Bible under a pillow right next to me. This was my dream...
It was early in the morning and I had walked into my moms room to tell her good morning. Her blinds were fully open and I looked outside, what I saw had frightened me. My mom asked what I was looking at. I said 'You don't see it?' 'The sun?' she replied. I said 'No... that's the sun,' and i pointed to the second ball in the sky. Then there were pretty big rocks falling from the sky, about the size of a small dog, but not a lot. My grandparents showed up out of nowhere (they live 15 minutes away from us.) They were all panicking and I said we have to go somewhere safe. I had told them that it was Wormwood which is a name I never used to explain it. For some reason I also mentioned Martial Law and I'm not 100% sure what that is. I knew it was the beginning of the end... of everything. We quickly packed up everything we needed and we went outside. All of a sudden I didn't know where my family was and I started freaking out, there were people running around panicking. Then I saw this lady and her little girl holding hands and standing in the street. They were giving off a bright light. I walked over to them and the lady said 'Don't be afraid, you're safe here.' I held her hand and I was shining too. I was watching everything horrible that was happening, but while I saw holding that lady's hand I truly felt at peace and that everything was gonna be okay.
Grandparents: Indication of time = within their lifetime = very very soon
2nd Sun = Planet Nibiru (full of demons) is heading to earth - will appear as another sun because it is a large planet.
Family disappears = Family / relatives will not be able to protect you. Look elsewhere!
The lady with the bright light = THE BRIDE OF JESUS
She is not in panic like everyone else, because she knows the bridegroom is picking her up any moment. She walks by faith, not by sight. She has peace despite all the terrible things happening around her. She is not afraid. Her light is shining.
This is the ideal vision of how the Lord pictures his bride during the last moments before he comes to take her home.
The little girl = baby Christians, saved but too young to have any knowledge of what is happening. She relies on the BRIDE to hold her up.
The guy with the dream reached out to the BRIDE....and was saved and felt peace too.
This is a vision of the calling on the Bride during the very last seconds before the rapture.
As terrible things start happening, as prophesied by Elizabeth and others, people will panic and fear. This is the very last call for repentance before the rapture, and the Bride can be a source to lead people to Jesus during these last few seconds...
I praise God for giving such a dream to someone that is not yet saved but seeking wisdom and puts his Bible under the pillow, and using him to show me how Jesus envisions his perfect Bride during the very last moments before he comes back. Who can fathom God's ways?
Even so, come Lord Jesus, come...
Asking Jesus to reveal Himself gives Him permission to change your life forever and He may show you things unimaginable...They seem to be closer at finding planet x. Seeing this woman glow must have been a beautiful sight.
Thank you for sharing that dream and your interpretation of it! Come LORD JESUS, COME!!
So be it. But, I beseech you all to look deeper into interpretation of this dream...for sometimes words do have two meanings. And, sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar, or perhaps a cigar is a hookah with a caterpillar smoking away at the other end. God means it when He says My ways are not your ways, and My thoughts are not your thoughts..m
“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.”
Was the woman holding the child’s hand, or the child holding the woman’s?
Keep seeking. Sometimes decades follow until the full meaning of a dream or vision is correctly understood. However, there are many witnesses that we need to ready ourselves, for it is true that time is extremely short. I know God has waited 60 years on my account. Don’t be satisfied until you find Yeshuah at the end of your search for Truth. He is faithful to both your sincere heart AND His Word.