I had a dream last night that i was walking around a town somewhere with some type of foreign speaking man, i think he was speaking Italian and i was explaining to him what was happening in other countries. I got out my phone and showed him a film of army/military men and vehicles moving into a town as he did not believe me until i showed him the film on my phone.
Also my mother had a dream the night before the queens speech in the uk. She was sat in the back of a car with myself and my brother(her only two children) and the queen was driving with prince Philip sat next to her. Prince Philip turned around to tell us to wear our seat belts, which is ironic as e recently had a car crash in real life and was not wearing his! We arrived at our destination, somewhere in Scotland at a scottish hotel and got out of the car and the queen started to smoke a vape cigarette. My mum was shocked and relieved as she also smoked a vape and the queen discussed how she liked her vape? then we all sat (minus prince Philip) and watched a church service on TV and the Queen began to sing hymns. My mum stated how funny it was to be watching church with the head of the church then she woke up. Any interpretations are gladly received.
I think your mother's dream shows God might be opening her eyes to how worldly the church and nations are becoming, if she had not caught onto that or thought about that much already. He used the highest authority of Britain's church and government to show how high and ingrained this turning away from God has become. Our leaders are supposed to be examples to the population, both religious and secular. God wants to shed light on this.