Just would like to note, my first name is actually Brigham, I started posting here under a pseudonym. Spiritual Preparation Prior to Dream
I wanted to say these are the steps to induce a dream. But the idea that spiritual experiences can be "induced" is of course apostasy, all we can do is try to align ourselves with God. I don't know exactly why I receive dreams, seeing that a lot of family members are more righteous / improve the world more than myself, and I doubt they have dreams. - read scriptures out loud three times that day - only listened to worship music (for me the tabernacle choir)
- no tv, no news - DID NOT SLEEP NEAR TECHNOLOGY (following hearing reports of people receiving demonic attacks during sleep because of this, and then upon reflection realized that since I started sleeping next to my laptop (ironically so I could write my dreams), the same had occurred for myself. Now i just keep a pencil & paper at hand while sleeping) - prayer for dreams. I also prayed to not just be a sign seeker, but asked God to change my heart to be his. - pondered a scripture passage while falling asleep. this whole dream was received last night 2/21. Between each part I woke up and wrote the part down.
Part One - fasting, warning the world I dreamt of extended fasts - don't remember details. I dreamt of myself creating videos to warn various sections of the world (so a different video for each section), particularly I remember looking at a map at Japan. I dreamt of being in a sort of battle with demonic entities in a marsh at night, I was totally guided by the holy spirit, and I stole this horse with a blonde rider on it. I was at the reigns and the blond rider sitting behind me, and we escaped the demonic entities. The blonde rider had been deceived by the demonic entities by I convinced him somehow that they were bad. Part Two - merger Mormon Church & Catholicism I was with relatives in Los Angeles, and seeing that their Church building was being repaired, the whole congregation instead went to a Catholic chapel (and no, this would never happen, their is no shortage of Mormon buildings in LA). Background on these relatives: Unfortunately this branch of my family is rather deceived. They entertain the antichrist view of the transition to the Millennium - there will be no calamities/judgements, and the whole world will just transition to be more righteous (why!). Moreover, during the pandemic they reportedly switched to doing a large zoom meeting with many family members for church since the church buildings were closed. In these meetings, unshackled by requirements to not be totally apostate imposed by our church, they altered the gospel to just be about the importance of not being racist, feeling sorry about the sins of our ancestors in colonization, and despairing about global warming. Back to the dream: Our congregation arrived at the catholic building and found there was no Catholic congregation, rather only a single Catholic priest. None of our Church traditions were upheld, we just sat and listened to the single catholic priest, we didn't even take sacrament. I also recall the Catholic building was dark and very poorly lit (and had no holy spirit). The following day (Monday) our family went to a crowded steakhouse and inside it did sacrament/communion (which is just total apostasy, for so many reasons!). I also recall my relatives ecstatic about the interfaith opportunity of this occasion - they didn't see any problems or apostasy with it. Part Three - mark of the beast spread by Mormon Bishop background on the bishop I've known this individual for a while, he seemed like a sincere/good person, but apparently deceived according to the dream. The dream According to the dream, my family had a house along a lake (in the Austin area), we had sold it, and apparently the lease for its land hadn't been renewed with the gov't, so the house was bulldozed (along with all the houses on the road bordering the lake which had likewise not renewed their leases). Note - my family has never actually owned a lake house. So, our bishop wound up purchasing the very land my family's lake house had been on. Then the bishop decided to build a boat house (I think by himself). While he called it a boat house, there were no boats, rather it was built like a normal two story house with wooden flooring, just that it was floating on the lake and connected to land with a dock. While building his hand got infected. A black technological cubic/obsidian looking thing was growing on the outer part of his hand (not in his finger but near his pinky finger). He described being able to pull out parts of cube and they would turn into animals (he mentioned them turning into an elf, a lion, and an eagle). The cube would then regrow, so he had to have the whole outer part of his hand removed (except his thumb and pointer finger). I learned this from the bishop himself - he had invited the congregation's youth to the boat house, and had decided to tell us about the house. While at the boat house - I found I had also become infected in the very same part of my hand with the black cube. The bishop told me that I would need to remove less of my hand than himself, just the outer part of my hand and the pinky. However, I found that the same cubic things had become embedded all through my torso just under the skin, and there would be no way to remove them. Interpretation Part One A call to do a fast! Just remember - the modern versions of the bible have removed most of the references to fasting, so use the King James version. I shall attempt a three day fast. Part Two I believe the Catholic Priest represented an antichrist figure. Apparently my family's church will lead people to the antichrist, and it will be portrayed as an interfaith spreading opportunity, but actually it will just be apostasy/heresy. Interpretation of Part Three Obviously the technological cubic obsidian thing embedded in the hand represents the mark of the beast (black cubes have a lot of symbolism). As I've seen in past dreams, there apparently is something technological about the mark. Sadly people's religious leaders (including mine, the Mormon Church!) will deceive the people to take it. Not surprising seeing that my religious leaders already deceived me into taking the precursor (the vax)(while on my mission in Brazil, I was the very last missionary to take it (I knew it was bad from the beginning), I took it because the religious leaders told me I wouldn't be able to return home to the us unless I took it which was a lie). symbolism of replacement of houses I believe my family's lake house represents the true gospel. Just as it was torn down by the gov't and replaced by a false religious leader's house, I believe this represents how true religions across the world will likewise be torn down by governments and be replaced by false leaders (to draw a comparison, some claim that John the Baptist was the True high priest, and that the Romans had removed the true priesthood and replaced it with a false group to act as priests, who, of course, deceived the jews into not accepting their own Messiah). symbolism of it being a boat house Unlike a normal house, a boat house has no foundation. We are to build our foundation upon the rock of Christ, and the false beast system religion that comes will have no foundation at all, it will be afloat. The animals The elf I believe represents the "clock elves" seen by people who take psychedelics, which of course actually are demons - elves are demons. The Lion I believe represents the beast that will come in the antichrist beast system. The Eagle I believe represents our country's corruption, see ezra's eagle prophecy applied to the USA. Cutting off your hand After taking the mark, some people will try to remove it, however there will be no way to do this. Personal Reaction to a dream saying my own religion is false It sucks. The book of Mormon (as a text) might still be true though.