My Dream on March 28, 2019
I had a 'Flash Dream: I'm standing on the street, and to my left I see Barack Obama sitting in the drivers side rear seat looking out the window at me. He looked younger, maybe 20-30 years old. He held up a paper up to show me, I looked at it through the glass and saw his signature written out. He let me know that he was practicing his signature. END.
When he was President, he always sat on the passenger side rear, but here he's on the driver's side rear. Why would he be practicing his signature? Is he going to sign something? Does he have the authority or power to sign anything significant? I can only think that there may be a connection to my first dream of Obama on July 15, 2018, where I read the word 'Money Releases ___' (chaos). And '2 Timothy ___' (3). Could this dream, his signature be required to release money, where money releases something bad as seen in 2 Timothy 3? Keeping my eyes open. Obama after his presidency hasn't quit, he's still active against America, unlike all other presidents who retire and walk away. Obama is still into everything behind our backs with world leaders.

'MY FIRST EVER OBAMA DREAM, COMMERCIAL & 2 TIMOTHY' https://latterrain333.wixsite.com/lifeline/forum/your-dream-forum/my-first-ever-obama-dream-commercial-2-timothy
I've had several dreams of him and they're not good. I'm wondering if "he'll confirm a covenant with many " like stated in Daniel, that's what came to mind with the signature. Here's one of my dreams of him.
Very eery dream...(my thoughts, impressions) He's not in the driver's seat because he is not in control of his life. His signature is fake as well...is why he wants to show you how well he is deceiving the world by letting all believe he is someone who he is not...a big fraud he is. They probably started grooming him to be President in his 20's-30's. I believe it is prophetic dream. I posted my Obama dream last May 6th, "Obama, the Director and the Storm". I believe his time is almost up...the storm has arrived...
Dear Sandy, in a dream I had Trump turned into Obama who then took center stage. Maybe in your dream Obama is moving, near to the drivers seat (will soon be driving) and working behind the scenes for this objective. (I believe Obama is the anti-Christ) I made a video about it, but its not very well made, but the message is the same. https://youtu.be/of1TzB6Y8mg
thank you for sharing, Sandy! I am not sure the meaning, however, I will pray about it, because I believe it is prophetic!