Through a series of dreams and direction from those dreams, just a few days ago on February 13, God sent a very popular youtuber and Facebook personality to us to record my wife Carrie's abortion survivor testimony. He was so blow away by the testimony, he rushed home back to Florida to edit the two hours of footage down to 10 minutes, and posted it one YouTube, Facebook, and Instigam rally Valentine's day evening. Within hours, the Facebook version was already at 300,000 views, and now...3 days later, total views on just Facebook and YouTube, not including Instagram because I do not have an account to check it, are totaling 2.4 MILLION!!! Please watch, pray, and share, and let's force the powers that be to take notice in Jesus' name and for God's Glory!!!
Brother, prepare your heart and spirit. I believe our Father is going to do more out of this. Remember: Luke 12:12
The message is far beyond abortion. I can see why it is being shared so much. Think of all the young women and young men who will be encouraged.
I remember being 13 and thinking no girl would ever love me because I was fat. I wasn’t even that fat... but the enemy gets into the mind.