On June 1st after my morning prayer I went to lay back down, after prayer I had a dream I walked into my apartment which didn't look like my apartment at all but as I walked I I noticed some furniture was missing my purse was gone I happened to look out of the window and noticed that people were stealing and trying to break into cars I started to look around and noticed that people were missing and had disappeared. I remember saying Oh my God the rapture! people was looting and just so much chaos!! Then I cried out God I have been left behind why I was crying out to God and then their was someone standing behind me saying are you crying why are you crying. I then woke up. I am not sure if God was actually showing me what is about to soon happen and many will cry out that they have been left behind or maybe many will be left behind that may think they will be raptured but won't be like myself in the dream. In my dream I also thought that God had left me behind to help bring unbelievers to Christ, but that can't be because if you miss the rapture that means you didn't repent because it will then be to late. For repentance. Not sure🤔 but I want to believe we are very close to Jesus second coming🙏🙏
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Yes we are and he is screaming
Fix yourself Correct yourself walk in my steps Be like me ...more and more saint
It is said more than never prayer and fasting asking protection
A lot of fight about rapture in the beginning or middle or end ( this I can't believe) And that matters it is Be the most pure you can !!! So you can be in heaven