Vision 1 18 19 a little after midnight
I saw what appeared to be a small brown (or flesh-colored) snake, like a garden snake, and it was crawling (slithering) out from underneath a human male testicle. The snake and the testicle were the same color. And, then a human hand went underneath the testicle. And, then I saw a blue larger snake slither away towards a bed, but I only saw the tail of the snake. The blue snake’s tail was very silky-like. END
The passage of scripture is 1 Corinthians 10, and it is about sexual immorality, temptation, but how Christ has made a way of escape for us from the temptation that we might be able to endure it and not give in.
I will be praying and working this one through today, and then I will get back here to write out what the Lord Jesus taught me through it.
This is really amazing, good job. Thank you for sharing.