I did not have peace about releasing this for some time. I have no idea what it could mean, or if it is prophetic.
Before they reopened the libraries after the COVID lockdown was announced, I dreamed I went to the library in the town north of mine at dusk. There were long lines in and out of the library where everyone was tested for COVID. On the way out, I chatted with my old Spanish teacher. I saw my Dad in my car when I returned, which was odd since I locked my doors. I told him I was going home, and he asked me to take him home too. I took a wrong turn and ended up at a place reminding me of the Las Vegas strip. There were long lines of people trying to win it big at outdoor casinos. They watched giant billboards displaying the winners. There were these cannons which were just neon illustrations, but they shot out blue fireballs. At the end of the strip there was a cliff hidden behind the hill in the road, making it hard to see. I think I was driving too fast to avoid it.
I feel like the library represents knowledge, my Spanish teacher a hidden lesson, and the strip sin. I was not participating and do not gamble in real life, so I do not know why I would go off the cliff, like I was going overboard.
@c-ryn, thank you for responding, but I am not getting much more clarity. My dreams, prophetic and otherwise are generally bizarre, so it might be difficult to figure out. Seems almost too random for an explanation.