In my dream i was walking in a random neighborhood, it was a nice sunny day with a nice breeze the time was about noon-1pm. As i was walking i was talking to one of the neighbors(dont recall what was said) and next thing i knew i was walking into somebodys backyard, it seemed like a backway into another neighborhood and when i got to the backyard i saw many jacuzzi sized swimming pools like there must have been a dozen or more of these swimming pools, the pool water was blue and clear, some of pools
had leaves in them due the wind and some didnt. Next thing i knew i ended up im guessing was my coworkers familys house garage, her and i were chit chatting a bit, she was preparing for her baby daughters b day party and was looking for something that was needing to go up like a decoration or a toy but she didnt find it. after that i woke up. What stood out for me the most was the many pools of water in the neighborhood so idk of this has any significance.
I have had many dreams about swimming pools and the interpretation that I have received is that they are about the church and a move of the HOLY SPIRIT. Think baptism and HOLY SPIRIT!
Clean water in swimming pools can mean internal cleansing of the body.
Maybe at a higher dimension.