I dreamed a group of people and families lived in cliffs on a mountain,I heard everyone crying and telling each other goodbye,I asked what was wrong,they said the enemy was coming at sunset and everyone would be killed,I said did anyone pray and ask God to help,they said no,I looked down off cliff on ground below us and shall a giant bullseye or target formation on ground,the bullseye or circle in middle of target were all men bowed down praying,the circle around the men praying was women interceding, the next circle was worshippers singing,the next circle had no one,and the circle wasn't completely closed,I heard a voice from heaven say This is the proclaimers,proclaimed, then was handed a torch on fire like at the Olympics and heard the voice say loud Run to the top of the mountain and proclaim who I am!!I ran with torch proclaiming loud you are God and there is no other God, you are Holy you are worthy!then it became dark as I approached the top and I was alone and I began to fear I head crickets and knew night was here,I head a voice say loud and bold Why Did you stop!!I said im afraid, He said don't ever fear him who can kill your body only fear him who can kill your body and soul!!I lifted up the torch and began running proclaiming and I woke up
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