The Torah blankets the earth.
It is the sap, hardened on the pine bow.
It is the hush, and biting cold of a winter’s night.
It is the whimper of a small child, searching for its mother.
It is the stillness of one’s soul, cultivated for the seed of life.
It resounds throughout the heavens as a thunder, causing the earth
To tremor.
Torah blankets the earth.
It is the pain of loss.
It is the ripple of new joy.
It is the question of a sharply, illuminated mind.
It is God’s breath filling the lungs of a new birth, and the green sprout
From a seed.
It is the covenant with mankind, the promise of deliverance, the
Kingdom of the Messiah.
It is the hunger that is satisfied, and the diligence of the soul,
To be pursued by God,
At God’s good pleasure.
Torah blankets the earth.
It is every goodness, and every delight.
It penetrates earth, and establishes the heavens.
It soars upon the winds, and dances with man among his songs
Of devotion.
It makes straight our paths, and anchors our destination.
It balances the scales, and tries every soul with such sweet measure.
It is the sparrow’s song.
It is peace amidst chaos.
It is love.
Our Messiah’s Torah.
your servant of the 144 called by The Father on 12/7/2010 and sealed on 4/4/2013 Joanna.
Beautiful. Just love this.