The Cross how much meaning is in it the Lord Jesus has been flooding me on this for the last week and half leading up to the cross appearing on the Florida coast earlier this week. He began this journey of the Cross with me by having me draw it out and explaining that narrow is the path to righteousness and wide is the way to destruction that in order to walk on the narrow path one must walk on the width of the cross meaning one foot in front of the other if you look to the right or left you stumble and fall because your balance is lost. We must have our eyes completely locked on Jesus at all times and when we stumble He is quick to pick us back up and encourage us to keep going. I was then led to begin studying the whole book of John I had a vision/dream on Monday morning before waking and all I saw was an old piece of wood ,and I mean old, it had the groves of old wood worn looking and I had my hand on it then the vision/dream ended and I woke up. Immediately the Lord said "You are going back to the old ways." I thought on this and knew He mean't things were going to change drastically in our way of life that the way we live now is not going to last much longer and we would go back to simpler times before technology. Then yesterday morning before waking had a dream/vision and saw the picture of the cross that washed up in Florida floating in the water next to the shore I woke up and the Lord reminded me that I was in John chapter 19 for my reading that morning which is the death of Jesus on the cross! I got up and began studying and revelations began to poor out He carried His cross and we are to carry ours dying to our flesh and picking up our cross and following Him DAILY not just when we feel like it but DAILY we are going to be moved out of our comfort zone in the coming days but that is all part of God's great plan for our lives when Jesus was resurrected and came to meet the disciples it says He breathed on them and told them to go and do the works that He did. Brothers and sisters we are HERE its time now to not waiver on where we stand we MUST know who we are in Christ He carried the cross for OUR sins. He then gave me more understanding on "Going back to the old ways" not only is this in our physical life but our spiritual life we are going back to complete reliance on God nothing else just like the days of the disciples and the acts 2 church!! I then was made known the piece of wood my hand was touching was in fact the cross!! I was humbled and just in awe of what the Lord had shown me the cross washing up in Florida was a sure sign for America that this nation will come to the cross through righteous judgment many will come to repentance!!!
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thank you for sharing an incredible message to all believers to stay on the path.
thank you, dear Whitney, for sharing that!!