July 11, 2020 😈🚗☠️ I had a dream/vision last night that I believe was a warning and an encouragement from The Lord. I asked Him if I was free to release it and He gave me the permission to do it right away. In my night vision, I saw The Devil’s arm. He reached for an old fashioned red toy car. The kind with the windup on the top. He smiled and laughed. So much evil. He grabbed the windup a started twisting and twisting and twisting until it would twist no more. He sat it down and let go. The toy car took off so fast it had no traction. It spun around in circles and then headed off in an undetermined direction, swerving back and forth until finally it hit a wall so hard it broke into several pieces. The Devil threw his head back and laughed a deep evil belly laugh and then he went to look for the next car to destroy. Interpretation... The enemy wants to play with you like a toy. He wants to twist your thinking and beliefs and manipulate you. He wants you to get so wound up (like the toy car) in your circumstances with fear, mental instabilities, hopelessness, panic, depression and despair for what is and for what is coming. He wants you to believe the false narrative of the world instead of the biblical narrative. He wants to pump into you false teachings and lies. Once he’s got you where he wants you and you begin to release what he did to you into the world, you will have actions of swerving in your faith. You will start spinning with feelings and actions of going nowhere, not moving forward on your God given, stable and destined path. You will be out of control and bring chaos to the chaos. Finally you will crash and be destroyed by the circumstances in front of you. Exactly what The Enemy was hoping to see happen! This is a warning! First. Do not let The Devil have his way with you! Repent from every sin and every thought and action that is contrary to God and yield to His Holy Spirit in your life. This will ultimately make the Devil run away from you, if you endure and stand firm on The Rock which is Jesus Christ. Do not allow the enemy to manipulate you and your decisions, just because the circumstances look frightening or grim. Pray against the plans of the evil one and submit to the plans of God. He won’t even be able to grip you and wind you up if you resist him and draw closer to God. Get into The Word of God the Bible, meditate on the scriptures and Pray! God does not want anyone to be destroyed, but to follow Him and have His joy, His peace, a stable/healthy mind and His power. I pray that you all will be aware, sober and vigilant. Hard times are ahead. Don’t allow The Devil to have his way in your mind, heart and life. God is greater than your circumstances and He’s greater than The Devil. The Devil is defeated in Jesus name! Much love! Praying for you all 🙏🏼💗
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SEEK THE LIGHT ONLY: Thus says The Lord: Woe, I say to you; demons are not to be trifled with. There is but One, and One only, to whom complete authority over demons is given - YahuShua The Messiah, He who is called Jesus and Christ.
For those who have not truly received of the Spirit are vulnerable to the wiles of the devil. And those who take it upon themselves to cast out demons are in grave danger, and will be easily overpowered by them.Yet there are those few who are chosen by God, who may rebuke demons in YahuShua’s name, but only those to whom it is given. And this is not of their own authority, but The Messiah’s authority.
Therefore those who seek to understand the dark
Will soon find themselves trapped
In the midst of it, unable to break free...
Yet those who seek The Light will find it,
And I will show them The Way;
In these darkness has no foothold...
Says The Lord.
chief witness of the 144,000 chosen, new name given “Reflection”
First we must make sure we are in God's word, putting on our own armor. Then we are to pray for our family and friends who are also vulnerable and under attack. And I mean turn off the TV, pull away from activies that are fruitlessly keeping us from fighting the battle that is here, the battles coming for the hearts, minds and souls of ourselves and those around us.
The devil roams the earth to seek, devour and destroy. We all must place the armor of God upon us. Trusting and putting your faith in Jesus is the only way and truth and life. We must never believe in the lie of the enemy. Everything in you vision/dream is so true. Today’s society is blind and dumbed down. They believe the lies of Satan who laughs at us. There is so much evil in this world. Only by placing all your trust in Jesus can someone survive in this wicked world. All that you have written down is so true and can extremely helpful to those who are being suppressed and tormented by Satan. God bless you for posting this for it will help many souls who are despair and in a place of darkness.