7/24/20 The message for the asleep brides
The Lord Yeshua came to me this morning and said he wants me to teach you about the gospel. I said but why do you want me to teach what has already been taught, Lord Yeshua?
He said there are a few of the brides (both sexes) that need to wake up. He said that I needn't worry, it will be under his control. So, I do as I am told.
There's few days left. This message is for everyone, though it is mainly for the Bride.
In a vision the Lord Yeshua gave me, I have seen you in a dream wearing a wedding gown, but it has wrinkles and spots on it. I also see the Lord Yeshua from across the way in a restaurant. She doesn't go near him. She wants to have earthly things, not heavenly things. Even though he wants to have her to join the rest of the brides! I wake up.
I guess that's why I am teaching. "You have to wake up, my brides. There is very little time left. Please wake up!" - by the Lord Yeshua himself. So, it seems that He is going to chime in.
I am to teach on the gospel, plain and simple. He is telling me to teach the way I teach. It is good. So, I will do just that.
I would like to say that I love everyone of you! And I have seen pictures of some of the brides that go to hell. I, like my master and Lord Yeshua, want to reach as many of the brides as we can. You must be willing to take up the cross and follow him. Wherever he goes, you go. Whatever he does, you do. Whatever instructions he gives, you listen and apply them. No matter what! He is the focus, not your husband or even your children. When it comes to him, you do as you are told.
Obviously, there are still some of you out in the world who want what you want, regardless! This disappoints the Lord.
You are to be shepherds. It isn't easy being a shepherd. It is a task that is for the most part unclean and unwanted. You get dirty and very few will understand what an important job you have. But it so very important!
They were the first people to visit baby Yeshua. That's Jesus if you go by the English name. And there was no putting up heirs by Mary and Joseph when they met the shepherds. They knew that baby Jesus was special, so much so they probably smiled at the shepherds. They didn't turn their nose up at the shepherds. They had the manners of delight towards the shepherds.
The brides that are ready to go to him are nothing more than shepherds. They are tending their flock of sheep in one way or another. They are not all preachers. They know that when they see Lord Yeshua/Jesus it will be with a cleansing first and foremost. Followed by a welcome you have never seen before.
What does the Lord Yeshua/Jesus think of the brides? Their gowns are very sparkly, not a wrinkle is in his sight. Spotless. He is thrilled to see them.
Ephesians 5:27
That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
Peter answered the Lord, saying "Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee." And the Lord replied with, "Feed my lambs." John 21:15.
To say that some members of the bride are stagnant and selfish is a serious understatement. If you love the Lord you would feed His lambs. That means you would get dirty and you would feel unwanted in most cases, although you have the Lord.
"It isn't without a warning, though it is without a consequence. That's what the ready-to-go brides are doing. Warning people everywhere. It isn't about the luxuries from home, they will be removed from you if you stay on earth." (This is not about safe havens!)
Do you not want to be a shepherd? You were hand picked for that very thing. It is what I told Peter to do. And he did it unto death. The brides have become complacent. Resting in their homes, eating whatever they want, and it is now time to come to new terms. You brides that don't want to do anything, look out! They know who they are. I see you. I see the other brides helping people in various ways, that isn't about money. This world isn't going to get better. It's gonna get worse. But you just continue to do your own thing and you'll live the best way you can when the true brides are gone.
Brides, all brides, are supposed to be with me, but they won't make it. Some will stay and deal with this mess of a world you call earth. We are meant to get as many people close to me, not pull them apart.
Please, bride, please repent for I am a merciful and gracious king. I will forgive! I will cause the sinful nature to cease. I am the I AM and there is no one like me! I am your rock that you will need when the stuff hits the fan. This is my last time I'm posting for Hoverintha. She wanted me to save the world, though it cannot be. It makes her sad and she cries a lot. Please, do everyone a huge thing and stop the bickering about this and that and make peace with your bride members. You know who you are.
Repent! Repent! Repent! For the time is now. You are living on borrowed time, my loves! Very soon the door will close for good. I love you all! Make the right choice...please!" - Lord Yeshua/Jesus
I am done with teaching. It is your choice to come back to the brides! Please do the right thing! Really self-examine who you are being like right now And who you would like to be in the sight of the Lord Yeshua/Jesus. Make the right decision. I love you, everyone! WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!!!
thanks for the wake up call...i want a bright sparkly dress for Him...im hoping
I miss and I love my dear US ! I search trying to help God showed me I believe it's Him I was near Nashville 6 years but I loved KY ! There is a huge lake there I visited very often Pass to TN and areas around it ok? Love Bee
Um só sorry disturb you But please tell me how can I post here ???? It's to advice you dear dear US citizens Im in Brasil praying like crazy Dear Post it and ask people hear all about him I visited his city one weekend .... I was closest TN He is serious like Elizabeth I wish she contacted me Dear post it hear all his dreams God bless you all https://youtu.be/wyIt8uTbfbk
I can't post I can't write here Why?? This is so important Please can you post it ????? O found by "accident" https://youtu.be/blTWeF7Spos
I will pray for you.
O was reading Jesus is telling me to leave but I can't sell my home now !! It's little rent that pays off bills and food I have no idea where to go I want be close daddy's family but it's BIG CITY too Oh pray for me? Beatriz
Carmen, I will pray for you and your family! I would pray the Lord's Prayer and then, give it time (a long pause). If it helps and if they are old enough, could you have your children and your husband to pray as well. You don't need them to be there. It is just nice. During the pause, you should receive from the Lord Yeshua what exactly you need to receive.
Remember: Not everyone has to relocate. Some people cannot do so and He provides protection. It is all a matter of where you are with the Lord! You know you are judged by the heart. What is the condition of your heart? Ask yourself that question. These verses may help you.
Matthew 6:21
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 22:37-38
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all they soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.
1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Love to all in the name of the Lord Yeshua!
I'm sure by the way you are talking about the Lord that you are in his wings. You are being protected. Stay in his wings and you can't go wrong! He will tell you when to go, and if he doesn't say anything, then stay exactly where you are now.
Love to you in Yeshua's name!
Marvelous I have strong call prophet It's hard people says you are fanatic ou crazy Im on the path of preach I don't know how Im Brasil sins attracts more everybody There are lots of Christians but many false preachers and prophets and after cash God is mad I feel so lonely This is again God saying no matter what get out your home and do it I am hearing news here and other prophets even youtubers God bring to me It's absolutely the same Run to safe places but I can't ! I'm widow no family and I say go where Jesus! I'm confused You aren't confusion Jesus !!!! I can't say I ll do your disciples job and give up This message it's for me I m trying hard and I don't want make Holly Ghost Sad