Revelation 3:10-11
10). Because thou has kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of Temptation which shall come upon all the world; to try them that dwell upon the earth.
11). Behold, I come quickly; hold fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
Keep your garments clean, pressed and ready, he comes quickly.!
Ken... Watchman in Costa Rica
Yes True
Rev 3: 10-11 is about the church of Philadelphia (1 of the 7 churches). The other 6 churches will experience the trial that will come onto the whole earth (the Great Tribulation). Many will be taken captive and/or martyred (Luke 21: 23-24) (Rev 13: 10).
Jesus said that the church of Philadelphia had already been faithfully enduring trials and had little strength. They had been persecuted by the synagogue of Satan.
Can you honestly say that describes any of the churches in the western nations? It more accurately describes churches that are being severely persecuted in other parts of the world. The West has no clue about what it is like to be severely persecuted.
We need to be spiritually prepared to be persecuted and/or martyred because of our faith in Jesus. Unshakable. Unwavering. Fully trusting and obeying our Lord. And holding onto the peace He gives us (which passes all understanding - no matter the circumstances) (Philippians 4: 4-8).
Jesus said that the world hated Him and they will hate anyone who follows Him. He was persecuted and those who follow Him will also be persecuted (John 15: 19-20) (1 John 3: 13).
Jesus warned us to be prepared for the possibility that He might not arrive as soon as we think He will. In Matthew 25: 1-13 only half of the 10 virgins were prepared for the possibility that the Bridegroom might be delayed. They made sure they had extra oil (Holy Spirit) and their lamps did not run dry when there was a delay.
The ones that didn't prepare for the possibility that the Bridegroom might not arrive as soon as they had expected were not ready when He eventually arrived (they were out in the world's marketplace looking for more oil). They were not invited into the wedding supper.
Yes, the Lord can protect whomever He chooses in whatever way He chooses. But we are not helping people by telling them Jesus will arrive before things get tough. That is just setting people up to fall away when things get difficult.
When I asked the Lord to confirm the general timing of the rapture (where it fit within the sequence of events), He said: "Prepare to stay until the Day of My wrath."
The Great Tribulation is the time of Satan's wrath (Rev 12: 12-17). Jesus said that He gathers His elect AFTER the Great Tribulation) (Matthew 24: 29-31). The Day of the Lord's wrath takes place when Jesus treads the winepress at the Battle of Armageddon (shortly after the Great Tribulation) (Rev 14: 19-20) (Rev 19: 15).
If you prepare for the possibility that the Bridegroom might arrive later than you think, but He arrives sooner, you lose nothing. But if you don't prepare for that possibility and He arrives later, you are at risk for falling away (John 16: 1-4).
May the Lord be with us and strengthen us. May He grant us peace. May the Lord utilize us to help with His harvest. May God's people not perish for lack of knowledge.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28: 19-20)
AMEN! Keep watching!!
"And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch" Mark 13:37