Dream: I was at a doctor's office and looked outside the lobby window and saw a storm brewing. My husband Brad was with me. I saw all kinds of short and long logs and tree trunks flying by the windows. They started hitting the windows and breaking them. A log, about 5 foot long, came through the window making a perfect round hole in the glass. It hit a guy, who was leaning by the floor, right in the forehead and I think it killed him. The log now looked like a long piece of ICE not a brown log.
I quickly leaned down to find my shoes so we could leave and a log smashed through the window and came flying right at my face. I put my right hand up to protect my face and I immediately felt some pressure on my forehead but no pain nor did I fall down. My son Brandon was now standing beside me and he looked at my head and was amazed that I wasn't hurt. I looked to my right at the wall and saw my reflection dimly in a mirror and there was a perfect little square with a circle around it on my forehead but I was ok. I could still feel the pressure where it had hit. I knew God had protected me because it should've killed me.
We looked outside and saw some fast moving dark gray clouds in the sky and an odd squarish light formation but we decided to try to leave. Brad the kids and I then walked out of the office and I realize I'm barefoot because I felt the cool grass on my feet so I go back inside to find my shoes. It's now very busy with people everywhere and all of the rooms are full and chaotic.
I ask a lady who works there if anyone has turned in a pair of white sandals. I see all kinds of shoes everywhere on the floor but I don't see mine. She reaches up high on top of a cabinet or shelf and hands me a pair of dingy looking pale pink soft ballerina style slippers with fuzzy insides that are 2 different sizes. I looked at them for a second thinking I could make them work but then said these aren't mine and gave them back to her. I woke up.
658 am.
Your area just had a terrible storm-- I hope you're all okay.
Symbolically... I think of trees as stable, secure, shade-providing, fruitful. Nature that grows with us. Sometimes in dreams I equate them with people.
In your dream, everything went haywire. Things that had no intent in harming, ended up doing great damage.
Shoes protect our bare feet, and make it easier for us to get things done. Without them, we have to watch every step and brace ourselves for sharp objects. You were offered a replacement that wasn't suited to your mode of operations-- when you were most comfortable with basic, breathable coverage that fit.
-- prayers for everyone that went through the storm--