11/21/2020 12:30 AM. I hear a trumpet and horse on a battlefield getting into position.
11/22/2020 I'm working currently as a cafeteria assistant in a job I feel is from God. I was an engineering major and he wants me more humble. I've felt for the past eight years, Shelley (who works at my children's elementary school even when they attended) was somehow tied to the wedding supper ( I thought for years it was for my daughters' wedding reception in the future but it is to prepare me for Christ's return and cause me to be more Christ-like). Shelley was upset the military was taking up her storage space for the elementary school cafeteria. Someone from administration came and showed her how to reorganize to make it possible to serve food and provide space for the military items.
1/12021 I heard in the spirit, "there are eight car bombs ready to go off" said over and over more than three times.