Thus sayeth the Lord God. I will deliver you from the enemy's hands. All you need to do is follow my commands. A great tumult is coming. Are you ready for the culling? My people are not using the power given to them. They are not yielding to the Holy Spirit. Great power lies within u my children for I reside in thee. Open up to me. Surrender completely to me and I will overtake thee and forever be your guide. For there will be nowhere to hide except beneath my wings. Those that do not follow me cannot escape these things. I am begging and pleading for you my children. My heart mourns and grieves because so many of you have chosen to ignore me and choose your own ways. You do not see or understand that these are the very, very last days. The end is so near. There is going to be great fear. Especially for those that do not adhere to me and my heavenly kingdom. Your must surrender everything, heart, mind and soul. This should be your main goal. If you want to get in the ark, you must hearken to me and my decrees. Living your ways and of this world is carrying much disease. Those who claim to know me, fast and pray, read your bible everyday. Spend time with me. If you faithfully seek me, you will hear from me. I will protect u from the calamities. But u must do this now for the day is closing. Choose ye this day whom ye will serve, me? or the evil things of this world. I love you my children, cling to me, serve me, and I will give a great reward in heaven, your true home. Your eternal destination. Time is wasting. Don't allow any hesitation.