I dreamed years ago a dream ,I was gathering boots and coats and blankets for all the people traveling with me,lived in south Texas and there was a great flood coming from the border of South Texas all, homes, were under water no cars,I heard the Holyspirit tell me to lead all the people in my group North to Oklahoma? I told everyone to gather blankets coats boots as we were going by foot,yes walking to Oklahoma, one lady said thats stealing taking stuff from these empty houses,I said even David and his men ate the showbread?there Was a spirit of religion on some,we finally made it to Oklahoma when someone pointed and we all turned to see a huge tsunami wave coming and we had no time so we put our hands over our head to brace for the wave breaking over our head, I saw the wave go over my son then over all of us,the wave receded like rolling backwards and pulling everything with it,as it receded I noticed my son still standing on his phone as if he never saw it alot of Christians were gone,but there were some still standing,then I realized the tsunami wave was not water but made of grain but acted just like a tsunami wave I asked were have the people went and heard Holyspirit say the dead Christians were removed,then someone yelled look it left piles of grain everywhere and then I watched as the company of people gathered the grain in aprons,I was smiling and happy just watching everyone happily gather grain and I heard a lady say turn around and look to me,so I turned and saw a throne with a gold cup like a gullet, someone said to me thats for you to go drink!I said no!I don't want to they said you have to its for you so I slowly approached this huge old throne the cup was sitting on the throne I reached for it and picked it up with both hands for it was heavy it immediately burned and melted my hands to the cup,I screamed in pain and agony then as it cooled the pain stopped I drank from the cup and turned around and my eyes were open and I knew everything , I knew what to do where to lead the people and I felt joy like not humanly possible to feel and I woke up,,,
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