I have never in my entire life had a prophetic dream, but I am very certain that this one came from God... I have to share this:
This is how it went: I was in a neighborhood, seemed like a normal neighborhood in the daylight with some friends. And for some reason there was a full moon out in the middle of the day. All of a sudden I looked up and the moon was flying around in the sky, in what looked like an infinity pattern, ∞ (but I could be wrong it may have been a different pattern). It did this a few times, and all of a sudden multiple huge tidal waves came in and FLOODED the area. I survived a few of them, but they were huge and destroying everything.
Then the scene changed, and I was running with my friends trying to find a certain room. One of my friends said the room number is A413 516. So we ended up finding the room and that was when the dream ended, abruptly after that.
Well this dream really stirred me up, I couldn't get it out of my mind. I just kept thinking about the tidal waves, and the room number. I committed it to my memory because I didn't want to forget it, it seemed important but I didn't know what it meant.
Well a few hours ago I was asking the lord to please reveal if the dream was from him. And all of a sudden I thought in my mind, the A means Add. Add the room number together. So I added it together and I came up with 929. This number has no significance to me, so I googled it.......
And guess what I found, 929 is the Area Code of New York, NY!!!!!! Get prepared New York, I think a tsunami is coming in the future....
Also, A could also equal 1, A=1, since it is the first letter in the alphabet. Therefore, this could also read as A929, or 1929, the year of the Great Stock Market Crash. Meaning Stock Market Crash.
Hi the dream I had involving NYC destruction & water rising did not have any area codes in it. I was on a parkway somewhere upstate New York perhaps the Hudson Valley where I had a clear view of the NYC skyline. There was black smoke rising from the skyscrapers possibly The Empire State Building/ One World Trade. I looked down at the road & saw water rising. The only other outstanding thing in the dream was a huge sign in all capital letters in a building the sign said WATER FILTRATION which I took as the Lord warning is to have means to filter drinking water before these things happen