in the first dream, i saw one of the two witnesses
on a road walking home. Daddy YAH was standing next
to me, covered in a garment of light. HE pointed
at the man and said, "There is one of my two
witnesses. He is as humble as Moses."
I saw the man's face.
In the second dream, i saw the two witnesses. A man
and a woman.The man was standing on my right side.
The woman was standing on my left side. The woman
had shoulder length hair but i could not see her
face. The man was uplifted, his feet were not
touching the ground. I looked up at the sky and
saw three angels descending. The angels had golden
hair and wings. And above the angels, Daddy YAH
spoke in a loud voice, "These are my two witnesses.
They are Elijah(HE said indicating the woman) and
Moses(HE said indicating the man)".
In my third dream, I saw the two witnesses and an Apostle
in a room. I saw their faces. There was a big bear
that was trying to enter the door. One of the
witnesses, the man, rose up and closed the door.
He was stronger than the big bear. Daddy YAH was
standing by my side as i was dreaming. HE said to
the Apostle in the dream, "Accept my two witnesses
for who they are. They were created for vengeance."
Glad that might help with the dream.
Symbolic hair often speaks of appearances, how one comes across to the public, how it covers the head/thinking.
The global Church is currently extremely visible, to the point it comes under much criticism. Sectors of it are overly flashy.
In the Rev passage, the witnesses are outspoken and then crushed, then brought back.
The bear, accepting for who they are, might point to world politics. Shutting the door.
Even if we don't agree with what's going on: the destruction and deaths, using taxpayer money to get involved with others' wars, maybe God is showing you there's more going on, beyond how it appears.
Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord -- we don't take action into our own hands, but turn it over to the One who knows the whole story, and can work all things for the good. He knows who was honest or not, who oppressed the people... and if the lampstand theory of Judaism/Christianity applies, it could get very messy.
Why you saw it? When conversations come up, there are times it's best to stay quiet. Battles don't really separate the good from bad; defending the innocent isn't as simple as it seems. Let the dream gel.
A good article on what to expect, what scripturally surrounds the two witnesses.
They present their messages with mourning attire (visually or conceptually).
Bible Project (about 10 minutes in) -- more on how they fits in timeline, and other uses of "lampstand."
When Jesus admitted to high claims, he was very discreet, and timed information carefully. He didn't broadcast loosely, "Hey everyone... He wouldn't have survived the first week, or led people to form reasonable conclusions.
(A good movie on Jesus' relating to people is The Gospel of John.)
An interesting sideline, this week I've run across a few videos on excavation of tunnels under the Mount, that led to the (destroyed) temple. If significant things are found, that could stir up the nations as described.
Keep the plumb line that we are following our Heavenly Father and His Son, the Christ... not people who claim to be important. Not getting distracted or steered away from focus.
Even if someone clearly felt God told them they were one of the Two, it might be a personal reminder for them to stay responsible to their audiences, their flocks. Holy approach, as part of the collective lampstands. (Them rushing ahead with a word, instead of asking God what it meant.)
Elijah/Moses ...
Moses delivered the Law, which was at the core of Judaism. Lineage of David, Melchizedek, and others were important. (drm Male).
Elijah (drm Female) leaned more toward prophetic (There were certainly similarities between Moses and Elijah's ministries, but Elijah seemed more proactive in creating opportunities to elevate God). The Church is often referred to as a woman.
Women are often described as moving more intuitively, balancing needs of all family members, applying mercy so people can move on (NT), where men are more straightforward-- like letting the Law set the standards, and sticking firmly to that (OT).
I'm not saying that is the meaning of your dream, but keep that in mind while praying over it. Ask God why He showed you it this way, what He was showing you, and what it means for your coming steps.
Sister Vicky Parnell has indicated that she is one of the two witnesses. She's on YouTube My Lovely Jesus Ministry. I believe the other one could be brother Edward Umling on YT as well. Praying and testing the spirits according to 1 John 4:2-3, 15; 1 Cor. 12:3
You're the only one I've seen mention one of the witnesses is a woman.
Thanks for sharing.
Blessings in the Holy name of Jesus Christ!!!
Thanks! And for responding immediately, after the thread sat awhile.
I grew up with people who memorized whole chapters, and read through the Bible each year; I'm sloppier than that. Years of anchoring in concepts, but still need to search.
"Accept my two witnesses for who they are. They were created for vengeance."
Odd how preachers and believers speak of witnesses so positively, when the verse shows them globally controversial.
"Prophetess... Say she was chosen"
I've run across a lot of people online who say they are one of the two witnesses. (Or any other number of respected characters.) It is an easy temptation to elevate egos, divert power, entice masses to follow.
We should guard ourselves from pride temptations, and not follow people who elevate themselves.
Even Jesus asked his followers not to call him Rabbi.
Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons. 1 Timothy 4:1
We can easily get on a roll of wanting more information, more knowing, more secrets... and forget why (or whether) we need it. If the Bible is not our plumb line, then we can wobble all over the place.
Interesting! A about a week ago, I saw a prophetess on her video say she was chosen to be one of the two witness❤️