Sorry for posting so much.
In my dream (today), the USA had been destroyed by nukes and then invaded. In a map I saw that the USA was roughly split down the middle, with Russia controlling the western side and Germany the eastern side. The federal government still controlled a small area in central/southern Texas, and strangely I saw that the Dutch controlled an area in northwestern Texas – where the oil is. Though my understanding was that the Russians had started it, at this point I knew the remaining federal government had made peace with the Russians and instead was fighting the Germans and the Dutch (particularly the Dutch).
I was an agent for the US federal government and somehow was sent back to the past to see what had gone wrong. One other person and I came to a city that had just been nuked, but apparently hadn’t been completely destroyed (the buildings still stood) – though I recall high radiation levels there. My mission was to figure out why the USA hadn’t properly responded when it was nuked – particularly why didn’t the USA nuke Russia after Russia had nuked the USA. So, I was sent to the facility that was supposed to make this response.
I came to the facility and found it was semi closed. The first time I came to it, it looked like no one was there and it was locked. The second time a handful of employees let me in. The head of the facility was someone I know in real life from church: My Church has an emphasis on emergency preparedness, so every few years has activities preparing people for end of the world type stuff. This person received a leadership position in my Church and when the time of emergency preparedness came, he actively sabotaged and discouraged preparation because he worked in the phone industry and was absolutely convinced that the phones could never go down. He didn’t think the USA could be destroyed and therefore tried to stop people who made preparations for it. Beyond that (I hate to say this, but it is relevant) – he is sort of crippled in that he has a hunchback – and told a story once in church about how he was assaulted and robbed because he couldn’t fight back; in general he seems to be very much not a fighter. So anyway, in the dream, this guy was head of the department, and he seemed to be shocked and confused after the nuclear strike and didn’t direct the USA to respond in kind with nukes. Rather, he was only at the facility to get shelter from the radiation.
I told him I was from the future and was there to figure out what had happened here, and he didn’t necessarily disbelieve me, but he also didn’t do anything. Shortly after I arrived, these Russian secret agents with guns (who somehow I felt were like my counterpart, but on the Russian side) came and sabotaged everything. The scene skipped forward, and I saw that everyone was tied to this long metal wire – each hand, foot, and face was connected to the wire. The Russians then turned on this machine that pulled the wire around a corner – there was this sort of wheel thing, perhaps 4 inches wide, that the wire went over to allow the wire to make the turn. Each person who passed through the corner became wrecked – there hands, feet, and faces were totally destroyed by the turn. They weren’t necessarily dead, but were as good as dead.
I also recall my mission also was to update my website, so that after the nukes dropped, it would automatically show warnings and instructions for people in the areas of the nukes.
Personal Interpretation:
Prior to falling asleep, I had prayed basically asking God what I am supposed to do with all my dreams and how I am supposed to warn people. I’ve been feeling a little discouraged lately because I feel I am supposed to warn people because of my dreams, but I don’t know how to do this and haven’t been successful in making warnings so far (people don’t believe me because I was born Mormon, even though some of my dreams warn against the Mormon Church). So my dream (I believe) is telling me that I will mostly be warning people after the calamities already start – so not yet. 1) In the part of my dream about my website – I was coding it not to warn people of the future, but to automatically give them instructions only after the calamities hit (and I think instructions designed for specific areas). Likewise, when I returned from the future, 2) it wasn’t my mission to actually prevent the apocalypse, but rather to investigate and find what had gone wrong; 3) I hadn’t come back before the nukes dropped, but after they dropped.
Wider Interpretation:
Beyond the more personal nature of the dream, there is a bit more to dissect: As I noted in this article: my belief is that the USA will be destroyed before the rest of the world (because I think the USA represents the whore of Babylon which is destroyed before the antichrist makes his appearance in the book of revelations). This dream confirms that – the USA was destroyed before other places in the dream; moreover the dream clarifies that it won’t just be New York that is destroyed, but nearly the entire country.
As for the map of the country, I think that the Dutch didn’t literally represent the Netherlands, but rather the new world order, seeing that a lot of NWO stuff seems to be centered in the Netherlands (especially with the Tri-State City planned there). Moreover, if the USA collapses, Germany will then become the leading power of the western world and so I think Germany could more represent a coalition of NATO countries. The Europeans may have been worse than the Russians because the antichrist could arise in Europe. It’s likely the Russians and Germans were at least pretending to be “peace keepers” sent to help, but the Dutch weren’t even pretending to help – they were only there to extract oil. Though it is likely that Europe would send forces to restore oil wells and refineries in the USA if the US was knocked out, this could also be more symbolic of a force that comes to the USA not to conquer or help, but just to steal resources. It also seems realistic that the USA might retain control of Texas due to the concentration of large military bases in Texas.
The wire people were connected to that the Russians used to disfigure us I believe represents a cyber-attack. Just as the employees had their faces, hands, and feet connected to the wire, we are in real life just as connected to wires in our electronics. The wire connecting to employees faces represents how we need electronics to see and communicate; being connected to their hands represents the need for electronics to manipulate the world; and its connection to the feet represents our dependence on it for travel. So when the Russians used this wire to cripple the employees, that represents how the Russians will use our electronics against us in a cyberattack that prevents us from responding by nuking Russia back. Thus we see the symbolism in my particular Church leader being the head of the facility – in real life he is totally convinced the phones could never go down, a parallel to how Government leaders may be convinced that government networks could never go down, therefore leaving us in a state of unpreparedness against cyberattacks. On a personal note: This is one of my most horrible dreams (and I’ve sort of flooded this forum with dreams – sorry). It’s hard to write the feelings of Sorrow I felt in this dream. The USA is my home, and I love many people here. My intention is not to scare, rather I’m just reporting my experiences.