Vision: I woke up at 1:36 am and saw an older balding yet clean cut man facing me in front of the sunroom window. He had on a military uniform. He was holding a rectangular shaped box. He suddenly dropped the box on the floor right in front of him. He looked downward then started doing something with his feet because he was shuffling about with his head still down. He raised his head back up and he then had a bear head. His body was the same but the head was a bear. He turned completely around towards the sunroom window and had his back at me. He then glanced back over his left shoulder towards me and both his eyes glowed for just a second (kinda like the eyes of an animal when the light hits them in the dark). He turned his head back towards the sunroom window and stepped into the window frame and slowly faded away.
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He went from having a bare head to a bear head. Could head refer to head of country? Could bare refer to elderly (esp. since the man was older) and could bear refer to Russia? Could the change of heads refer to a takeover?