Hello, I'm calling this an astral projection but many would call it a vision. This post would be greatly simplified if I just called it a vision, but having had experiences with astral projection I think it is important to note the similarities to therefore most accurately describe what I believe to be true of the spirit world. Sorry for the length of this post, there just is a lot to cover.
About astral projection
In an astral projection, you feel your soul being pulled out of your body and you come out in the same room as you are asleep. Since now you are in the spirit world, things will look slightly different - often they will look grainy or black and white, but you will still be in the same room/home you fell asleep in. Upon exploration you may find things are slightly different and you can see spirits. I won't describe the procedure to induce one (since the info is easily accessible online), but after the procedure is followed you will feel energy moving through your body, then (sometimes) you hear a jet engine noise as your soul is pulled out of your body. You may explore around and then your soul is yanked back to your body and you wake up.
My understanding is that the "astral realm" is the same as the spirit world, which is where demonic entities reside. They will try to trick you into thinking they are your "spirit guide" and persuade you to believe in new age religions (which often have totally contradictory beliefs but are promoted by the same astral entities). Therefore, anything you are told in the astral realm should not be trusted. It is a sad reality that many have been tricked by such spirits.
My old experiences astral projecting
A while ago, upon learning about the existence of astral projection, I tried following the instructions to do one and it worked the first try. I saw a very disturbing demonic entity in my house, and decided not to do it more. A few years later, I decided to try again and had a few more astral projections all of which involved demonic entities making appearances. It was all very not uplifting and they were honestly not good experiences.
Fast forward to now, I have been trying to make changes to my life involving reading/memorizing the scriptures, listening to gospel music, and ending an addiction. I feel as though I am being born again, and lately I had two experiences (I will share the latter here seeing the personal nature of the former) where I didn't do anything to induce astral projections, but still had what could be described as a vision or astral projection.
Overview of this particular experience
As I was waking up, I found myself having visions/astral projecting repeatedly, therefore I have several disconnected experiences. These experiences were similar to astral projection in that they occurred during the same time frame (right after I woke up), and involved the distinct feeling of energy moving through my body followed by feeling my soul separate from my body and coming out in the same room I fell asleep in. Another similarity is my vision being distorted: during some parts of the vision everything looked pixelated and grainy, and at one point everything was sort of rainbow colored, but at a different point the colors looked like they represented heat as though I was looking through an infrared camera (as a side note, I remember seeing flecks moving through the air while seeing things through infrared). As stated before, I had several visions and my eyesight worked slightly differently in each one. This experience was different from my past astral projections in that I was shown some things that were definitely not in my house.
The Projected Instructions
For two separate visions I came out of my body and saw projected on the wall instructions to follow, in a display that looked akin to what you might see from an actual projector. One of them showed me a list of Christlike attributes to develop, of which list I noted seeing the word "suffering". In the other I saw a list of sins with next to each sin some sort of mathematical symbol (like a greater than sign), followed by the opposite adjective for righteousness associated with not falling for the sin (such as fornication --- chastity). Somehow I knew that the mathematical symbols indicated that my body would want to do the sin, but that my spirit had to stop it from performing the sin.
The Letters
I saw scattered throughout my house piles and piles of unopened letters. I knew that these letters represented tasks that I was supposed to have done but had neglected to do, or in other words represented that the works of my life are greatly lacking (I'm still pretty young though). Then in my living room I saw a Christmas tree surrounded by piles and piles of presents. I assume these presents represent promised blessings associated with doing the right thing, however one of the presents had a label which read "waiting for the lord Jesus Christ".
The Rotting House
I appeared in a room I'm unfamiliar with and saw a hole in the wall. Through the hole, I saw millions upon millions of ants crawling through the inside of the wall, literally filling up almost the entire wall crawling over each other, and it was frankly horrifying.
It reminds me of a different dream I had a few years ago:
Back when I was a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we had these conferences called "zone conference", where all the missionaries from a city would meet together and conference. Anyway, in the dream I was sleeping on a couch in a building with a bunch of other missionaries waiting for the zone conference to start. The missionaries all around me were breaking missionary rules (having inappropriate romantic relationships with each other / misusing electronics / etc.) There was a photoshoot of us missionaries but it was disrupted by riotous behavior among the missionaries, so everything was very unmissionary like. But I discovered that underneath the couch cushions of my couch were rotting body parts, in fact I found I found that all the couches were filled with body parts, it was horrifying. I interpreted this vision as representing how missionaries are supposed to take upon themselves the mantle of Christ by acting Christlike, but instead they were breaking mission rules and acting as the world does, which was quasi sacrilegious. Both the dream and this vision basically represent how things in our world have been corrupted perhaps beyond repair.
A Distracting Voice
In nearly all of my experiences astral projecting, I have heard the fantom voice of my Mom telling me to wake up and do stuff to distract me from astral projecting. I became especially suspicious of the role of this voice when I heard it in my first vision (about a week ago, it was much like this one). So anyway, during this experience I had today, the voice popped up again and started trying to distract me, to wake me up and end the experience. Therefore, this time I told the voice "I know you are not my mother, and that you are a demonic entity trying to distract me". After I said this, the voice of my mom instead started explaining the world from the perspective of Satan, why Satan rebelled against God and why he actually was right.
People with similar stories to me
The following youtubers have similar experiences to my own in that they describe how after they turned their life around, turning away from the world to Christ, they started having interesting experiences.
This youtuber "Christa- anointed with a message 💕" describes how she used to be addicted to food and sex, and that after ending both addictions and losing weight, she started receiving prophetic messages from God.
This youtuber "Morgan" describes how after ending an addiction to alcohol and cannabis, she also started receiving messages from God. She also states that all of her prayers started coming true after 10 days of remaining sober and that receiving answers to prayers must be conditional to obedience.
These youtubers might have more dramatic stories than myself, but I see a common pattern in that many people start receiving spiritual experiences after they end addictions. It is my belief that if you are lacking spiritual experiences, if you make an honest effort to follow god, you might acquire said experiences, though your motivation of course should not be to have a cool story but rather should be out of love for Jesus.
Related scriptures
1 John 4
1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
2 Corinthians 11
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
Matthew 24
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
A careful reading of these scriptures reveals that one must be extremely skeptical of any dreams or visions he or she receives. I hope I haven't been deceived and that I am not going crazy.
I just learned a lot there.
Sociopaths, I've heard that happens in every field, especially ones that are remarkable, visible, charm the public (politics). It's clear in televangelism, but I hadn't thought of missionaries competing that way.
In Protestant mission work, they are usually sent out as couples, told not to evangelize for a year while they settle into a community. I don't think a domineering person would survive staying low that long.
But believers definitely compete, no matter where they are. (Look at different forums, oy.)
There are temporary teams that go out from churches or large ministries, some aiming for miracles.
But they have taken time off from work or school, so are not in the same desperate-for-money position as long-term.
In temporary mission work, there are sometimes overly-eager, unseasoned adrenaline junkies who want to change the world. Some who want to prove they'll sacrifice their lives for a cause...so they can say they did.
Human nature.
From the outside, I've seen LDS people try so hard to be good, as though their organization insists on it.
Obsession with current prophet, ugh I see that everywhere. And some who become known, are expected to keep it up, as though it's their job to know what God thinks. It's everyone's job to connect with God, work out their salvation in fear and trembling. To lean on one, seems a tactic of the Accuser to control, play on gullibility.
I didn't even realize that LDS honored prophecy. Or does prophet mean something else there?
Back around 2000, there were groups of prophets that formalized their networking, and somehow that smelled sour. I backed away from certain sites and speakers. It seemed a way to hide bad behavior, separate leaders from congregants, and artificially control.
Most of the "experts" had no more theology training than lay members. No extra devotedness or faith or insight.. they were braver speakers who got a paycheck.
Since I believe God speaks to people when they ask for input, or need to know something specific, I felt forums and indie channels were purer examples of Christian faith carried out. (Why I am here.)
In groups, people get too competitive, and the pond grows stagnant. Jesus sent believers outward, to give; instead of inward to compete over who has more supernatural experiences. The pond begins to stink.
New corruption... maybe so, or maybe it was better hidden before. There are a few people doing research on old revivals, who are finding newspaper articles on scandals surrounding faith healers.
Also, there are historic names who left young families to go convert countries -- I see that as truly bad examples of the faith. But who knows what was going on at the time. People do what they believe needs to be done.
New followers arise... Funny, I just listened to an old Kim Clement vid on new arising out of fire. (The ministry pulls out ones that seem to apply to current events.)
It is commonly said that after crises, people tend to lean on God more. Sad to say, many parts of the world are going through difficult crises, and the viewers are wondering when it will happen to them. So maybe being disrupted from comfortable life, is already beginning to work in people, and helping them turn to God for protection.
The letters dream/vision ... a friend recently connected OCD with magical thinking and legalism and idolatry (everyone prone to all of these). (Magical thinking is not necessarily wrong, as it recognizes supernatural realm, and is part of many religions.) Remorse and conviction is good in repentance. Wanting to tidy up every last detail can slow us down.
If we have too much guilt, we are turning down God's offer of forgiveness and support. Trying to put it all on ourselves, relying on our own strength. We are weak, and make mistakes. It can be hard to see ourselves that way, when we try so hard. But God's love ALWAYS overrides our weakness. We are His children.
Now I will go long!
"If you make an honest effort to follow god, you might acquire said experiences, though your motivation of course should not be to have a cool story but rather should be out of love for Jesus."
I agree. God is not manipulated. We seek Him as a real being with convictions and love for us. Experiences from Him are pinpointed and purposeful. A prophetic word applies to what our next steps should be, or who we should pray for. His help applies to our actual needs.
Addictions draw us inward, to please ourselves, often blocking out others.
A movie with Ben Stiller, Permanent Midnight, shows how addiction snowballs. Protagonist put addiction before his career and people he loved.
This scene (offensive, not for vulnerable or kids) reminds me of how people over-value extreme experience, rather than seeking God and letting experience follow.
Missionaries -- Seems like shaming stirred into intent for pure living. Rules meant to keep order, end up squelching -- or hiding -- participants' inclinations.
A lot of darkness gets mixed into ministries, and not everyone pursues ministry for the same reasons. It is more offensive to me that people misrepresent God, than to be distant from Him. They end up harming so many, and pushing people from real life with Christ.
Some ministries keep people so busy, they don't have time to confront problems as they arise.
The rotten parts, might be hurting humanity within each person who is trying so hard to be a flawless leader. Like whitewashing an aging fence with soft wood.
The New Testament church model is a little more vulnerable; apostles confront differences at times. Paul uses his imperfection and human weakness in his teachings.
Maybe the aim to come across too perfect is incongruent with what's in people's hearts -- or even how ministry should be delivered. Superheros heading out to create superheros, instead of humans helping the next human rely on God in their weakness.
Pray about it.
Dopamine “learning neurotransmitter.” positive reinforcement, “Feels good; want more.” Serotonin “Feels good; don’t need more.” Not addictive. Sense of well-being
Dopamine pleasure is a choice to treat oneself, can lead to excess and self-harm. Delicious. Short visceral reward. Physical. Taking. Can be attained through substances.
Serotonin happiness comes from helping others, socializing w mutual respectful, enjoying one's work, accomplishing goals. Restful, enduring. Fulfilled life. Ethereal, abstract, emotional. Giving.
I know people who are trying to get out of depression by pumping dopamine. But according to physiology, they're just stirring up addictions; going after the short-term chemical instead of the long-term one.
This article says when cortisol stress hormone mixes in, addictions arise, complicated with impulsive decisions and seeking immediate rewards.
It seems astral projection could stir a similar dopamine treadmill. You've seen risks in putting oneself into vague supernatural realm without tools to manage safety.
As for running into spirits, we have more authority than we think.
I'd been involved in exorcisms and debated complicated how-to's on dealing with spirits. Then a coworker described her wiccan house cleansings. She just told spirits to go, because the owner holds the authority. (What, it worked for them?)
I rummaged through verses on how Jesus did it, and yes, found that it's not about elaborate processes, but knowing that you can tell them to leave. God granted us authority, like carrying a king's seal. Not being intimidated when they tell you they have more power. ( Likely more physical power and knowledge, but Creator's authority trounces all.)
Years ago my church brought in a speaker on astral projection. Children were in the service. The leaders did not see it as risky, to teach kids to separate their spirits from their bodies. Not everyone is in the same place with faith. The speaker gave no reasons to do it, other than cool "visits to heaven," which certainly aren't guaranteed.
It wasn't a lesson in drawing closer to the Father, but in fast-tracking a destiny in Heaven.
As you say, motivation --not cool story. but love for Jesus. God can lead us through plenty of adventures that apply to real things going on; that connectivity is so much more rewarding than random unusualness.
We need to let Him help us in our weaknesses, lean on His authority when we come across opposition. We are not capable of perfection, or drumming up greater experiences, and that's okay.
We can lean on our heavenly Father to help us.