Hi all, I woke up from a dream that there were spys all over NewYork City, I was trying to figure out what they were doing. But even more important, I was assigned to go watch because there were sharks coming down the River to Ellis Island, huge great white sharks. I looked this up in my christian dream book. Here are the two definitions.
a spy can be symbolic of an enemy of the righteous, Ps. 37:32. Spies are also symbolic of people who influence the opinions of other Christians over issues of church direction and ministry, Num. 13:32
Shark: a shark is a symbol of a demonic force or a person with the ability to cause you tremendous harm
I believe God is still trying to warn New York, there is an attack coming from the water. I had a word from the Lord a month ago about Florida and New York being hit with cruise missiles from a cruise ship in disguise. Keep praying every one!! GBY!!!
In the Scriptures, God also sent out spies to spy out the promissed land. The first time, only 2 of the 10 spies returned with a faith filled report that with God they could take the land, and in the end, they were the only two men from the original children of Isreal that had been in Egypt 40 years earlier, to enter that promissed land. Right now, I am aware of a team of strong pro-life believers who are in New York at a United Nations related event, and I am also aware of some other Pro-life things in the works that I am not at liberty to discuss in detail at this point. So spies and sharks in this case may not be a bad thing. In the past, because of a dream I had been given related to my now ex wife who left me for another man, sharks have always represented adultery, but I have learned that just because that has been my experience, that does not mean sharks always have to represent something evil. Please pray for the pro-life movement in New York, that it will be sucessful at turning the tide to the abomination of abortion and infanticide.