I was in my current home standing in my kitchen. I looked down and I was standing in ankle deep water. I looked at my mother, who was sitting in my living room, she was staring straight ahead without a word & she was sitting in water up to her chin. End dream. She lives in California & I am in Nevada. I’m not sure if this is literal or spiritual. Ty!
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Home financially "underwater"...
I've known a lot of people who had flood dreams about finances. I don't know the reasoning behind the symbol, other than it's hard to move forward and you might sink into mud. Structures fall apart with mold and moisture.
So if considering that symbolism, financial troubles hit your mother harder than it hit you. She desperately needed help, but wasn't flailing to save herself or asking for help.
Pray about this, and then see if there's anything you can do for her. When people get older, their mental clarity and energy fade, even if they don't have dementia. In the dream, it was as though she was exhausted and gave up trying to fix [finances]. It's times like that, when adult kids can be very helpful-- even if just talking about it, giving her ideas.
Kitchen -- a room of resource, activity. Living room -- where you entertain guests that you trust, in a cordial way. (Vs bbq in yard or up in your room.)
It's possible flood dreams are literal (I have one that I believe is), but I think it's more like getting close to suffocating, immersion, being overpowered.
I hope it's nothing serious! But do pray about whether there are actions you should take, based on what you sense the dream is about.