Hey every one my name is Pavielle I have received a message from Yeshua early this morning around 6:30 he has lead me to share this today so pray for conformation from Yeshua. May you all be blessed today.
Daughter, it is I your King, your groom to be love , tell my people this today, everything is setup and in place for the antichrist, the son of perdition to come onto the stage. I have been earning my people, my remnant, through my prophets, yet they are still asleep. It is nigh time to awaken from slumber, for redemption is at hand! Stop looking to this world for answers my bride and only keep your focus on me as I bring these judgements to pass. I alone will be your only hope, your anchor, your refuge in these dark hours. Let me ask you this, when I return how many will I find watching and waiting for my very soon return? Have I not said I am coming for a bride without spot or wrinkle? Have you taken off your wedding apparel because you think I tarry and want to dabble in this world? I say I am not coming back for an unfaithful bride, one who thinks she can have one foot in my kingdom and one in this world. Dwell upon this my loves, as I will not receive a doubleminded bride.Make yourselves ready and pure and holy as I am holy . Time is short and you know not the hour that the Son of man returns, listen for my voice my remnant, I will lead and guide you in this dark hour.I will protect my own that are called by my name, if you are not covered under my blood, there can be no protection. Behold I come quickly, get ready my people for soon all will see and know the Great I Am , your saviour Messiah Jesus Christ
Will you be found faithful?